David LeBauer edited add site.md  almost 10 years ago

Commit id: 2f20da2df2931c4ff608daf000caaaf50d96bd1b

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# Adding [Adding  a Site Site](https://www.betydb.org/sites/new)  Each experiment is conducted at a unique site. In the context of BETY,  the term 'site' refers to a specific location and it is common for many 

current citation under `Add Citation Relationships`  4. If site does not exist, add a new site.   **Table \ref{tab:sites}: Attributes of a site record** \label{tab:sites}  | Descriptors | Additional Notes |   | :-----------------------------| :-------------------------|  | Site Name |Site identifier, sufficient to uniquely identify the site within the paper | 

Use Table \ref{tab:location_accuracy} to determine the number of significant digits to indicate the level of precision with which a study location is known.   **Table \ref{tab:location_accuracy}**  \label{tab:location_accuracy} Level of accuracy to record in lat and lon fields.    | Location Detail | Degree Accuracy |  |:----------------|-------------------------:| 

| Acre | 0.001 |  | 10 Meters | 0.0001 |    [Form for entering a new site](https://www.betydb.org/sites/new)