James P. McCusker added missing citations to bibliography  about 8 years ago

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title = {{Gene Ontology: tool for the unification of biology}},  journal = {Nature Genetics},  }  @inproceedings{Suchanek_2007,  doi = {10.1145/1242572.1242667},  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1242572.1242667},  year = {2007},  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery ({ACM})},  author = {Fabian M. Suchanek and Gjergji Kasneci and Gerhard Weikum},  title = {{Yago}},  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web - {WWW} {\textquotesingle}07},  }