John S. Erickson edited section_Knowledge_Graphs_in_Practice__.tex  about 8 years ago

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All three knowledge graphs provide dataset-level provenance.  \subsection{Commercial Knowledge Graphs}  Freebase is a knowledge graph of over 3B facts and 58M topics \footnote{ web site, April 2016} that is open to public access and curation \cite{Bollacker_2008} and was formed  the basis for the Google Knowledge Graph, which augmented Freebase with knowledge gleaned from Google's regular search engine crawls of the Web \cite{singhal2012introducing}. Monteiro and Moura \cite{10110943220141101} present a thoughtful analysis of the role of the Google Knowledge Graph as a realization of the Semantic Web vision \cite{bernerslee2000semantic} as Web 4.0, and show how it merges rule-oriented semantic analysis with statistical predictive approaches.  Microsoft has also introduced a knowledge graph called ``Satori'' to enhance Bing search results \cite{qian2013understand}.