James P. McCusker edited section_A_Definition_of_Knowledge__.tex  about 8 years ago

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\section{A Definition of ``Knowledge Graph''}  One thing to note is that the knowledge graph platforms that have been reviewed in this paper do not strictly adhere to the definition of knowledge graph that was set out in Stokman and de Vries \cite{Stokman_1988}, and Zhang \cite{zhang2002knowledge}.  Since usage has evolved it is appropriate to develop a definition that follows how the term is currently used.  Implicit in the name ``knowledge graph'' is, of course, that a knowledge graph represent \emph{knowledge}, and do so using a \emph{graph} structure.  Stokman, de Vries \cite{Stokman_1988}, and Zhang \cite{zhang2002knowledge} posit useful definitions and requirements for knowledge graphs as a starting point: