James P. McCusker edited section_Knowledge_Graphs_in_Practice__.tex  about 8 years ago

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Popping explores the use of knowledge graphs and their challenges at the time in their use in network text analysis \cite{Popping_2003}.   Popping defines knowledge graphs similarly to Zhang, stating that they are a type of semantic network that uses only a few types of relations, but also states that additional knowledge can be added to the graph.  More papers to consider: \cite{Dieng_1992} \cite{Juel_Vang_2013} \cite{10110943220141101}  \subsection{Knowledge Graph Methods}  Corby and Zucker present an abstract knowledge graph querying machine they call KGRAM \cite{Corby_2010}, but do not define knowledge graphs beyond being labeled directed graphs.  This seems to be an abstraction of graph query methods and discusses how KGRAM is a generalization and extension of the RDF graph query language SPARQL \cite{harris2013sparql}.