James P. McCusker added missing citations to bibliography  about 8 years ago

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title = {{Knowledge acquisition for explainable multi-expert, knowledge-based design systems}},  booktitle = {Current Developments in Knowledge Acquisition {\textemdash} {EKAW} {\textquotesingle}92},  }  @article{Juel_Vang_2013,  doi = {10.1108/jices-08-2013-0028},  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JICES-08-2013-0028},  year = {2013},  month = {nov},  publisher = {Emerald},  volume = {11},  number = {4},  pages = {245--260},  author = {Katrine Juel Vang},  title = {{Ethics of Google{\textquotesingle}s Knowledge Graph: some considerations}},  journal = {J of Inf Com {\&} Eth in Society},  }