What can the attacker do after KPA?


In this section, we briefly describe a stealthy attack on the CPS after the adversary has obtained the transfer function \(\mathcal{G}(z)\). The goal of this subsection is to demonstrate that KPA can enable other attacks discussed in the literature. For more detailed discuss on stealthy attack, please refer to \cite{Pasqualetti_2013}.

We assume that the adversary compromised a subset of actuators and sensors and can change the corresponding control inputs and sensor measurements respectively. As a result, the system equation becomes:

\begin{align} x(k+1) & =Ax(k)+B\left[u(k)+\Gamma_{u}u^{a}(k)\right]+w(k),\notag \\ y(k) & =Cx(k)+v(k)+\Gamma_{y}y^{a}(k),\notag \\ u(k) & =\mathcal{K}(z)y(k),\notag \\ \end{align}

where \(u^{a}(k)\) and \(y^{a}(k)\) is the bias on the control inputs and the sensor measurements injected by the adversary at time \(k\). \(\Gamma_{u}\) (\(\Gamma_{y}\)) is a diagonal matrix with binary diagonal elements, such that the \(i\)th diagonal elements is \(1\) if and only if the \(i\)th actuator (sensor) is compromised by the attacker. Since the matrices \(\Gamma_{u}\) and \(\Gamma_{y}\) represent the set of compromised actuators and sensors, they are known to the attacker. Let us define

\begin{align} \mathcal{G}_{a}(z)\triangleq C(zI-A)^{-1}B\Gamma_{u}=\mathcal{G}(z)\Gamma_{u}.\notag \\ \end{align}

Clearly, the whole trajectory of the sensor measurements \(y\) is a function of the noise process \(w,\,v\), the initial condition \(x(0)\) and the adversary’s action \(u^{a},\,y^{a}\). Therefore, we shall denote it as

\begin{align} y=f(w,v,x(0),u^{a},y^{a}).\notag \\ \end{align}

Notice that we omitted the control input \(u\) since \(u\) can be calculated from \(y\).

Now if there exists a scalar \(z_{*}\in\mathbb{C}\), and two vectors \(u_{*}\in\mathbb{C}^{p}\) and \(y_{*}\in\mathbb{C}^{m}\), such that

\begin{align} \mathcal{G}_{a}(z_{*})u_{*}+\Gamma_{y}y_{*}=0,\notag \\ \end{align}

then the adversary can choose

\begin{align} \label{eq:stealthyinput} \label{eq:stealthyinput} u^{a}(k)=z_{*}^{k}u_{*},\,y^{a}(k)=z_{*}^{k}y_{*}.\\ \end{align}

Let us define \(x_{*}\triangleq(z_{*}I-A)^{-1}B\Gamma_{u}u_{*}\). One can verify that

\begin{align} f(w,v,x(0)+x_{*},u^{a},y^{a})=f(w,v,x(0),0,0).\notag \\ \end{align}

Therefore, the attack is stealthy since given the sensory data \(y\), the controller cannot distinguish the following two cases from the sensory data:

  1. 1.

    the initial condition is \(x(0)+x_{*}\) and the adversary injected \(u^{a}\) and \(y^{a}\) defined in (\ref{eq:stealthyinput});

  2. 2.

    the initial condition is \(x(0)\) and no adversary exists.

It is worth noticing that the adversary only need to compute \(z_{*},\,u_{*}\) and \(y_{*}\) to launch the attack, which only requires the knowledge of \(\mathcal{G}(z),\,\Gamma_{u}\) and \(\Gamma_{y}\).