Twitter related problems:

  1. Named Entity Recognition (NER) \cite{Li_2012}, \cite{Caputo_2009}

  2. Relation Extraction \cite{Wang_2011}

  3. Classification \cite{Jain_2014}

  4. Event Detection \cite{Dong_2014}, \cite{Nurwidyantoro_2013}, \cite{Pohl_2013}, \cite{Gao_2013}

  5. Event Tracking \cite{Pohl_2013}

  6. Geo search and visualization \cite{Gao_2013}

  7. Recommender \cite{Arru_2013}, \cite{Costa_2010}

  8. Trend Mining \cite{Desmier_2013}

  9. Difusion of topics \cite{Guille_2013}, \cite{Altshuler_2012}, \cite{Choudhury_2010}

  10. Prediction \cite{Guille_2013}, \cite{Symeonidis_2013}, \cite{Altshuler_2012}, \cite{Sizov_2010}, \cite{Choudhury_2010}

  11. Emergence \cite{Miller_2013}, \cite{Jain_2014}

Theoretical aspects:

  1. Attributed Graph Model \cite{Miller_2013}, \cite{Kim_2010}

  2. Rezidual Analysis of Attributed Graphs \cite{Miller_2013}

  3. Sub-graph matching \cite{Miller_2013}, \cite{Kriege_2012}

  4. Diffusion wavelets transform \cite{Wang_2009}, \cite{Jain_2014}

  5. Detection Theory \cite{Miller_2013}

  6. Complex networks

  7. Spectral analysis of graphs

  8. Signal Processing

  9. Prediction Annalytics

  10. Tensors \cite{Miller_2013}

Problems addresed in the framework of DSP on graphs:

  1. Mathematical model of Twitter as a dynamic attributed graph with streams attached to vertexes.

  2. Subgraph matching.

  3. Twitter diffusion of topics or hash terms.

  4. Tweet classification.

  5. Quering a corpus of dependencies parses of sentences viewed as graphs. \cite{Miller_2012}

  6. Integrated search of documents, multimedia archives and geographic data.

  7. Detection Theory on twitter graphs.

  8. Recommender Systems. \cite{Arru:2013:SUR:2487788.2488088} + \cite{Li_2012} NER

  9. Event Detection. \cite{Dong_2014}

  10. Predicting Event

  11. Event Summarization

  12. Event Association

  13. Early Warning System

  14. Big Data Implementation.

Big Data Application Layer for Graphs:

  1. Search/Query

    1. Graph Analytics

    2. PageRank

    3. Subgraph Detection

    4. Belief Propagation

    5. Clustering/Classification