Connections to Littlewood’s Conjecture

We show the energy radiated in the convective region to be proportional
to the mass in the radiative layer between the stellar surface and the
upper boundary of the convective zone, as shown in the following table and in Figure \ref{fig:fig1}:

Phase Time M\(_ 1\) M\(_ 2\) \(\Delta M\) P \(v_{\rm rot,1}\) \(v_{\rm rot,2}\)
1 ZAMS 0 16 15 5.0 230 230
2 Case B 9.89 15.92 14.94 0.14 5.1 96 85
3 ECCB 11.30 3.71 20.86 6.44 42.7 40 767
4 ECHB 18.10 16.76 202
5 ICB 18.56 12.85 191
6 ECCB 18.56 12.83 258