Gabriel Guajardo edited bibliography/biblio.bib  about 10 years ago

Commit id: 624e04858643867c33b05d3874f47264bec56a02

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author = {Vu, Quang Hieu and Lupu, Mihai and Ooi, Beng Chin},  year = {2010},  }  @inproceedings{chord:sigcomm01,  title = {Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for  {Internet} Applications},  author = {Ion Stoica and Robert Morris and David Karger and M.  Frans Kaashoek and Hari Balakrishnan},  },  booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGCOMM} '01 Conference},  year = 2001,  month = aug,  address = {San Diego, California},  }