John Blischak Add git commit.  about 9 years ago

Commit id: e5752dadeeb30c7c058d1c2a49914fdd61d0023a

deletions | additions      


Now the file \verb|| has been moved to the staging area, while both \verb|| and \verb|analyze.R| remain in the working directory.  Adding a file to the staging area will result in the changes to that file being included in the next commit, or snapshot of the code (Figure 1).  Since this will be the first commit, or version of the code, let's add the other two files as well.  Then we'll create the first commit using the command \verb|git commit|.  \begin{lstlisting}  git add analyze.R  git commit -m "Add initial version of thesis code."  \end{lstlisting}  Notice we used the flag \verb|-m| to pass a message for the commit.  This message describes the changes that have been made to the code and is required.  If you do not pass a message at the command line, you will be entered into the default text editor for your system, usually \verb|vi| or \verb|emacs|, to enter the message.