John Blischak Add output of git commit. It details that there are no lines of code in the files, so may want to create fake code to add to files.  about 9 years ago

Commit id: c951bfa96cfbfcffcb10119ae5c05259a76341c2

deletions | additions      


Then we'll create the first commit using the command \verb|git commit|.  \begin{lstlisting}  $  git add analyze.R $  git commit -m "Add initial version of thesis code." [master (root-commit) 660213b] Add initial version of thesis code.  3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 analyze.R  create mode 100644  create mode 100644  \end{lstlisting}  Notice we used the flag \verb|-m| to pass a message for the commit.