Amplitude of Gravitional Waves from EM Source

Because we know Gertsenshtein’s equation yields an amplitude, we can use a Fourier Transform to calculate the frequency of gravitational waves. For a practical reference, we use known EM measurements of an electric clock (Duke Energy, 2013) to calculate the amplitude and frequency of a gravitational wave. When an electric clock is measured at 0.3048 meters (1 ft), the strength of its EM field is 15.5 gauss. Calculating for \(T = 0.00011408\), we find that the amplitude of the gravitational waves of an electric clock are

\[\frac{a(x)}{b} = 8.11596*10^{-20} \sqrt{\frac{\text{Newton} \text{Second}^3} {\text{Kilogram}^2 \text{Meter}}},\]

and when applying a Fourier Transform to calculate the frequency of the gravitational waves we get

\[\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{a(x)}{b} e^{- 2\pi i x \xi} dx = 7.59863*10^{-18} \sqrt{Hz}.\]

Assuming EM-based Alcubierre experiments are using radiation sources similar to electric clocks, we generally know the magnitude of tabletop gravitational waves is nearly \(10^{-18}\).