Jordan Sligh edited section_Radioactive_Material_We_can__1.tex  over 8 years ago

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Does Earth even have enough radioactive materials to terraform Mars? We have chosen to focus on Uranium and Plutonium as our radioactive sources because they are currently used in nuclear weapons. Also, all isotopes of these two elements are radioactive, allowing a more continual heating of Mars.\\  \\  One Uranium-235 atom can release 3.24 x 10$^{-11}$ Joules of energy by fission, and one Plutonium-239 atom can release 3.318 x 10$^{-11}$ Joules. There is currently an estimated 5.9025 x 10$^9$ kg of extractable uranium on Earth, which would not provide enough energy to terraform the atmosphere. Even if we used all of the uranium on Earth, it would still require an additional 84.25 x 10$^{10}$ kg of Plutonium-239 to vaporize enough polar ice. This is well beyond the radioactive inventory of Earth, so unfortunately, Earth does not have enough radioactive materials to terraform the surface of Mars. Mars.\\  \\  Even if we were to utilize the orbital energies of the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos (i.e. force them to deorbit and crash into the poles) that would still not be enough energy to sublimate enough atmosphere! Phobos's orbital energy is\\  \\  $E_{Phobos} = \frac{GM_{Phobos}M_{Mars}}{2a_{Phobos}} = 2.1 * 10^{22}J$.\\  \\  $E_{Deimos} = \frac{GM_{Deimos}M_{Mars}}{2a_{Deimos}} = 1.0 * 10^{21}J$.\\  \\  Even with all the Uranium and Plutonium on Earth and even after crashing Mars' own moons into its surface, it would still not be enough to instantly terraform the planet. Unless future generations develop more efficient ways of creating thermonuclear explosions or learn to harness unknown forms of energy, the complete terraforming of the red planet is only going to occur on geological timescales. That said, although we won't be able to instantly create an atmosphere or magnetosphere on Mars, the use of thermonuclear weapons will absolutely accelerate the process.