Jordan Sligh edited section_Creation_of_a_Magnetosphere__.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 7106fa066b02ea04aa62a69d7395808632dbf090

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\\  $R_{Magnetopause}=(\frac{2B_0^2}{\mu_0\rho_{sw}v_{sw}^2})^{1/6}$\\  \\  where $B_0$ is the magnetic dipole moment of the planet and $\rho_{sw}$ and $v_{sw}$ are the density and velocity of solar wind at Mars' orbit respectively.Because respectively. Because  the convecting currents which generate the magnetosphere are complex and occur within the spherical outer core, we will simplify our calculations by approximating Mars' outer core as a single gigantic rotating cylinder with radius ${R_{outer core} - R_{inner core}}/2$ and height $2R_{outer core}$. With this approximation, we find Mars' magnetic dipole moment to be\\ \\  $B_0 = \frac{\rho_c\omega\mu_0}{16\pi}(\frac{R_{outer core}-R_{inner core}}{2})^4*2R_{outer core}$\\  \\