\label{sec:use} \madxoperates

on beamlines that must be loaded and expanded in memory before other commands can be invoked. The USE allows this loading and expansion.


USE, PĚ„ERIOD=sequence_name, SEQUENCE=sequence_name,

The attributes to the USE command are:


SEQUENCE name of the sequence to be loaded and expanded. \ttitemPERIOD name of the sequence to be loaded and expanded.
PERIOD is an alias to SEQUENCE that was kept for backwards compatibility with \madeightand only one of them should be specified in a USE statement. \ttitemRANGE specifies a range. restriction so that only the specified part of the named sequence is loaded and expanded. \ttitemSURVEY option to plug the survey data into the sequence elements nodes on the first pass (see SURVEY).

Note that reloading a sequence with the USE command reloads a bare sequence and that any ERROR or orbit correction previously assigned or associated to the sequence are forgotten. A mechanism to select a sequence without this side effect of the USE command is provided with the SET, SEQUENCE=... command.