Deyan Ginev edited untitled.tex  almost 9 years ago

Commit id: cfe74efcde19dc17e28a686ec88bd45bd5a1c4b0

deletions | additions      


\textit{Oh, an empty article!} \section{Quick Intro}  On May 1^{st}, 2015, \authorea released a new backend for its {\LaTeX} input language, teaming up with the ambitious \latexml project, which strives to offer a full reimplementation of TeX with targeted generation of web-first manuscripts, supporting HTML5 and ePub.  You can get started by \textbf{double clicking} In  this text block and begin editing. You can also click the \textbf{Insert} button below to add new block elements. Or article  you can \textbf{drag and drop find  an image} right onto this text. Happy writing! overview of some of our new high impact authoring features.