Deyan Ginev added section_Laying_out_tables_and__.tex  almost 9 years ago

Commit id: b5db350940ed4186f467587f61745662cd38f5d9

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\section{Laying out tables and listings}  Authorea supports figures as separate text blocks, so you should never have to write \verb|\begin{figure}| in your documents. However, listings and tables are perfectly acceptable. In fact, you could be curious to find out the technique which we use here for aligning our listings and tables in two horizontal columns. The relevant snippet is:  \begin{lstlisting}  \begin{figure}[h!]  \begin{minipage}{0.7\textwidth}  ... left-hand-side content ...  \end{minipage}  \begin{minipage}{0.2\textwidth}  ... right-hand-side content ...  \end{minipage}  \end{figure}  \end{lstlisting}  The reason we use \verb|\begin{figure}[h!]| here is to explicitly order {\TeX} to position the figure as close as possible to the current insertion point.