Deyan Ginev edited subsection_Advanced_Table_Colors_subsubsection__.tex  almost 9 years ago

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In Section \ref{sec:textcolor} we showed the extended set of colors available through the \verb|xcolor.sty| package. For tables, however, it is also useful to have control over the background color of individual rows. For instance:  \begin{lstlisting}   {\rowcolors{4}{green!80!yellow!50}{green!70!yellow!40} {\rowcolors{2}{green!80!yellow!50}{green!70!yellow!40}  \begin{tabular}{ |c| }  \hline  An Example of Row Colors \\ 

\end{tabular} }  \end{lstlisting}  %%%  {\rowcolors{4}{green!80!yellow!50}{green!70!yellow!40} {\rowcolors{2}{green!80!yellow!50}{green!70!yellow!40}  \begin{tabular}{ |c| }  \hline  An Example of Row Colors \\