Helpful Product Placement


This blog post is cross-hosted on both Authorea and a static web site. For the static hosting, I currently write content in LaTeX and have a smart bit of Ruby create a PDF and an HTML5 blog post out of my “text program”, using XeLaTeX and LaTeXML. I then upload the bundle to GitHub and deploy to my Ruby on Rails site on Digital Ocean. This sounds like, and in fact is, an exercise in programming and juggling technology stacks.

If you value your free time, don’t try this at home. If you’re a developer who loves FLOSS and you find this article fun – write to me, there is a lot you can do!

For everyone else, there is Authorea.

Our team is passionate about Open Science and high quality 21st century manuscripts, and we want to make sure you can speak science without having to scream in code.