Joe Corneli whitespace  about 9 years ago

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\begin{quote} {\em Identify a definition of serendipity that your  system should satisfy to be considered serendipitous.}\end{quote}  This is as As  above. %% This situation can be pictured schematically as follows:         

@inproceedings{schmidhuber2007simple,  title={Simple algorithmic principles of discovery, subjective beauty, selective attention, curiosity \& creativity},  author={Schmidhuber, J{\"u}rgen},  booktitle={Discovery Science},  pages={26--38},  year={2007},  organization={Springer}  }  @book{bergson1983creative,  title={Creative evolution},  author={Bergson, Henri},         

discovery. Here, we revisit each of these criteria and briefly  summarise how they can be thought about from a computational point of  view, again focusing on examples. We then present a thought  experiment\textbf{[Is  that really what it is?]} that uses evaluates  the ideas to develop described above in the course of  developing  a new system design. % \input{writers-workshop-background-long}         

The features of our model match Merton's \citeyear{merton1948bearing} earlier description quite  well: $T$ is the unexpected observation; $T^\star$ highlights its  interesting or anomalous features and casts it as ``strategic data''; and the result $R$ may include updates to $p$ or $p^{\prime}$ that inform further phases of research. Connections The connection  to the core key condition and  components of serendipity introduced in our literature survey are as follows: %  \textbf{Focus shift}. This The \textbf{focus shift}  corresponds to the identification of $T^\star$, which is common to bothsides of  the diagram. discovery and the invention  phase. If the process operates in an ``online'' manner,  $T^\star$ may bethought of as  an evolving vector of interesting possibilities. %  \textbf{Prepared mind}. This The \textbf{prepared mind}  corresponds to the prior training $p$ and $p^{\prime}$ in our diagram. %  \textbf{Serendipity trigger}. This corresponds to the stimulus The \textbf{serendipity trigger} is denoted by  $T$ in our diagram. %  \textbf{Bridge}. This corresponds to The \textbf{bridge} is comprised of  the actions based on $p^{\prime}$ that are  taken on $T^\star$ leading to the \textbf{result}  $R$.%  \textbf{Result}. This corresponds to our $R$. Note that $R$ may imply  updates to $p$ or $p^{\prime}$ in further phases of research.  In addition, Although they do not directly figure in our definition,  the supportive dimensions and factors can be interpreted using this schematic, as follows: %  \textbf{Chance}. One From the point of view of this model, $T$ is indeterminate.  Furthermore, one  must assume that relatively few of  triggers $T^\star$ that are identified as interesting actually lead to useful results; in other words, the process is fallible. fallible and \textbf{chance} is likely to  play a role.  %  \textbf{Curiosity}. The prior training $p$ causes interesting features to be extracted, even if they are not necessarily useful; $p^{\prime}$ asks how these features \emph{might} be useful. These routines   suggest the relevance of a computational model of \textbf{curiousity}. One existing algorithmic approach is developed by \citeA{schmidhuber2007simple}.  %  \textbf{Sagacity}. Rather than a simple look-up rule, $p^{\prime}$ involves creating new knowledge. A simple example is found in clustering systems, which generate new categories on the fly. A more complicated example, necessary in the case of updating $p$ or $p$ is automatic programming. There is ample room for \textbf{sagacity} in this affair.  %  \textbf{Value}. The evaluation $|R|>0$ Judging the \textbf{value} of the result $R$  may be carried out ``locally'' (as an embedded part of the process of invention of $R$) or ``globally'' (i.e.~as an external process). %  \textbf{Dynamic world}. As noted above,  $T$ (and $T^\star$) appears within a stream of data with indeterminacy. There is a further feedback loop, insofar as products $R$ influence the future state. state of the system. Thus, the  model exists in a \textbf{dynamic world}.  %  \textbf{Multiple contexts}. This is reflected directly in our Our  model by the difference  between separates  the ``context of discovery'' discovery'',  involving prior preparations $p$, and from  the ``context of invention'' involving prior preparations $p^{\prime}$. Both of these may be subdivided further. further into \textbf{multiple contexts}.  %  \textbf{Multiple tasks}. Both $T$ and $T^\star$ may be multiple, causing an individual process to fork intocommunicating  sub-processes dealing with \textbf{multiple tasks}  that involve different skills sets. %  \textbf{Multiple influences}. The process as a whole may be multiplied out among different communicating investigators. investigators, so that the final result bears the mark  of \textbf{multiple influences}.         

\end{enumerate}  \end{quote}  This can be summarised schematically as follows:  % \input{schematic-tikz}  {\centering  \includegraphics[width=.8\textwidth]{schematic}         

required to evaluate their own results, we are also implicitly  requiring them to evaluate their creative process. We should give  them the tools to do that effectively.  %  These ideas set a relatively high bar, if only because computational  creativity has often been focused on generative rather than reflective  acts. As Campbell \citeyear{campbell} writes: ``serendipity         

\subsection{A thought \subsection{Thought  experiment evaluating our model of serendipity} \label{sec:ww} To evaluate our computational framework in usage, we apply a thought  experiment based around a scenario where there is high potential for