Joe Corneli more text for lit review  over 8 years ago

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by the particular context.''  \end{quote}  %  %% Their article describes a number of criteria relevant to writing  %% good design patterns, e.g. \emph{Clear target audience},  %% \emph{Visible forces}, and \emph{Relationship to other patterns}.  %  Applying the solution achieves this resolution of forces, and a design  pattern shows how this works. The design pattern itself achieves  something further: it encapsulates knowledge in a brief, shareable  form, often with meaningful relationships to other patterns. Tracing  the steps involved, we see that the creation of a new design pattern  is always somewhat serendipitous (Figure \ref{fig:pattern-schematic};  compare Figure \ref{fig:1b}).  \vspace{-.3cm}  \begin{figure}  \input{pattern-schematic-tikz.tex}  \caption{The components of design patterns mapped to our process schematic\label{fig:pattern-schematic}}  \end{figure}  \vspace{-.3cm} To van Andel's assertion that ``The very moment I can  plan or programme `serendipity' it cannot be called serendipity  anymore,'' we reply that we can certainly describe patterns -- and  programs -- with built-in indeterminacy. We can foster circumstances  that may make an unexpected happy outcome more likely. Figure  \ref{fig:va-pattern-figure} illustrates this with one van Andel's  patterns of serendipity, rewritten using the standard design pattern  template. In future work, we intend to build a more complete  serendipity pattern language -- and to use this within autonomous  programming systems that transform raw data into ``strategic data.''  \setlist[description]{font=\normalfont\itshape}  \begin{figure}[!h]  \setlist[description]{font=\normalfont\itshape}  \begin{mdframed}  \vspace{2mm}  \textbf{\emph{Successful error}}~ 

\caption{Standard design pattern template applied to van Andel's \em{Successful error}\label{fig:va-pattern-figure}}  \end{figure}  %  %% Their article describes a number of criteria relevant to writing  %% good design patterns, e.g. \emph{Clear target audience},  %% \emph{Visible forces}, and \emph{Relationship to other patterns}.  %  Applying the solution achieves this resolution of forces, and a design  pattern shows how this works. The design pattern itself achieves  something further: it encapsulates knowledge in a brief, shareable  form, often with meaningful relationships to other patterns. Tracing  the steps involved, we see that the creation of a new design pattern  is always somewhat serendipitous (Figure \ref{fig:pattern-schematic};  compare Figure \ref{fig:1b}).  \vspace{-.3cm}  \begin{figure}  \input{pattern-schematic-tikz.tex}  \caption{The components of design patterns mapped to our process schematic\label{fig:pattern-schematic}}  \end{figure}  \vspace{-.3cm} To van Andel's assertion that ``The very moment I can  plan or programme `serendipity' it cannot be called serendipity  anymore,'' we reply that we can certainly describe patterns -- and  programs -- with built-in indeterminacy. We can foster circumstances  that may make an unexpected happy outcome more likely. Figure  \ref{fig:va-pattern-figure} illustrates this with one van Andel's  patterns of serendipity, rewritten using the standard design pattern  template. In future work, we intend to build a more complete  serendipity pattern language -- and to use this within autonomous  programming systems that transform raw data into ``strategic data.''  % Is ``having a stretch goal'' an example of a serendipity pattern? I think so!         

in this field -- even though serendipity has played a well-documented  role in historical instances of scientific and technical creativity.  One reason for this omission may be that the field of computational  creativity has tended to focus on artistic creativity, conceptualised in such a way that creative outputs are largely under the direct control of the creative agent. However, serendipity is increasingly seen as relevant within in  the arts \cite{mckay-serendipity} \cite{mckay-serendipity}, in the tech industry \cite{rao2015breaking},  and other enterprises, where it is elsewhere. In the workplace,  serendipity may be  encouraged with methods drawn fromfields ranging from  architecture to and  data science \cite{kakko2009homo,engineering-serendipity}. An interdisciplinary perspective on the phenomenon of serendipity  promises further illumination.   This paper follows and expands \citeA{pease2013discussion}, where many of the ideas that are developed here were first presented. \citeA{pease2013discussion}.  The current paper reassesses and updates this earlier work, developing a robust computational characterisation of serendipity for computer modelling and system evaluation. New claims are advanced, positioning serendipity as a fundamental concept in computational creativity, with exciting the  potential to play a key role in computational intelligence more broadly. There is particularly interesting potential for serendipity within computational systems whose processes involve interaction with users, and autonomous systems that make use of a multi-agent framework.\footnote{It should not be assumed that a system that can accommodate user interaction would directly lead to serendipity; take for example the use of a calculator, where potential for serendipity through user interaction is minimal at best.} Serendipity is centred on reevaluation. For example, a  non-sticky ``superglue'' that no one was quite sure how to use turned         

% \section{Literature review}   \subsection{Etymology and selected definitions} \label{sec:overview-serendipity}   The English term ``serendipity'' derives from the 1302 long poem \emph{Eight Paradises}, written in Persian by the Sufi poet Am\={\i}r Khusrow in Uttar Pradesh, India.\footnote{\url{}} In the English-speaking world, its first chapter became known as ``The Three Princes of Serendip'', where ``Serendip'' represents the Old Tamil-Malayalam word for Sri Lanka (%{\tam சேரன்தீவு},  \emph{Cerantivu}, island of the Ceran kings).  %  The term ``serendipity'' is first found in a 1757 letter by Horace Walpole to Horace Mann:  \begin{quote}  \emph{``This discovery is almost of that kind which I call serendipity, a very expressive  word} \ldots \emph{You will understand it better by the derivation than by the  definition. I once read a silly fairy tale, called The Three Princes of Serendip:  as their Highness travelled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents  \& sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of}[.]''~\cite[p. 633]{van1994anatomy}  \end{quote}  The term became more widely known in the 1940s through studies of serendipity as a factor in scientific discovery, surveyed by Robert Merton and Elinor Barber \citeyear{merton} in ``The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity, A Study in Historical Semantics and the Sociology of Sciences''. Merton \citeyear{merton1948bearing} \cite[pp. 195--196]{merton} describes a generalised ``serendipity pattern'' and its constituent parts:  \begin{quote}  ``\emph{The serendipity pattern refers to the fairly common experience of observing an \emph{unanticipated}, \emph{anomalous} \emph{and strategic} datum which becomes the occasion for developing a new theory or for extending an existing theory.}''~\cite[p. 506]{merton1948bearing}~{[}emphasis in original{]}  %% The datum [that exerts a pressure for initiating theory] is, first of all, unanticipated. A research directed toward the test of one hypothesis yields a fortuitous by-product, an unexpected observation which bears upon theories not in question when the research was begun.  %% Secondly, the observation is anomalous, surprising, either because it seems inconsistent with prevailing theory or with other established facts. In either case, the seeming inconsistency provokes curiosity; it stimulates the investigator to "make sense of the datum," to fit it into a broader frame of knowledge....  %% And thirdly, in noting that the unexpected fact must be "strategic," i. e., that it must permit of implications which bear upon generalized theory, we are, of course, referring rather to what the observer brings to the datum than to the datum itself. For it obviously requires a theoretically sensitized observer to detect the universal in the particular.   \end{quote}  In 1986, Philippe Qu\'eau described serendipity as ``the art of  finding what we are not looking for by looking for what we are not  finding'' (\citeNP{eloge-de-la-simulation}, as quoted in  \citeNP[p. 121]{Campos2002}). Campbell  \citeyear{campbell2005serendipity} defines it as ``the rational  exploitation of chance observation, especially in the discovery of  something useful or beneficial.'' Pek van Andel  \citeyear[p. 631]{van1994anatomy} describes it simply as ``the art of  making an unsought finding.''  Roberts \citeyear[pp. 246--249]{roberts} records 30 entries for the term ``serendipity'' from English language dictionaries dating from 1909 to 1989.   %  Classic definitions require the investigator not to be aware of the problem they serendipitously solve, but this criterion has largely dropped from dictionary definitions. Only 5 of Roberts' collected definitions explicitly say ``not sought for.'' Roberts characterises ``sought findings'' in which an accident leads to a discovery with the term \emph{pseudoserendipity} \cite{chumaceiro1995serendipity}.  %  While Walpole initially described serendipity as an event  (i.e., a kind of discovery), it has  since been reconceptualised as a psychological attribute, a matter of  sagacity on the part of the discoverer: a ``gift'' or ``faculty'' more  than a ``state of mind.'' Only one of the collected definitions, from  1952, defined it solely as an event, while five define it as both  event and attribute.  However, numerous historical examples exhibit features of  serendipity and develop on a social scale rather than an individual  scale. For instance, between Spencer Silver's creation of high-tack,  low-adhesion glue in 1968, the invention of a sticky bookmark in 1973,  and the eventual launch of the distinctive canary yellow re-stickable  notes in 1980, there were many opportunities for  Post-it\texttrademark\ Notes \emph{not} to have come to be  \cite{tce-postits}. Merton and Barber argue that the  psychological perspective needs to be integrated with a  \emph{sociological} one.\footnote{ ``For if chance favours prepared  minds, it particularly favours those at work in microenvironments  that make for unanticipated sociocognitive interactions between  those prepared minds. These may be described as serendipitous  sociocognitive microenvironments'' \cite[p. 259--260]{merton}.}  Large-scale scientific and technical projects generally rely on the  convergence of interests of key actors and on other cultural factors.  For example, Umberto Eco \citeyear{eco2013serendipities} describes the  historical role of serendipitous mistakes and falsehoods in the  production of knowledge.  It is important to note that serendipity is usually discussed within  the context of \emph{discovery}, rather than \emph{creativity},  although in typical parlance these terms are closely related  \cite{jordanous12jims}. In the definition of serendipity that we present in Section \ref{sec:our-model}, we make use  of Henri Bergson's distinction:  \begin{quote}  %% \emph{``La d\'ecouverte porte sur ce qui existe d\'ej\`a, actuellement  %% ou virtuelle­ment ; elle \'etait donc s\^ure de venir t\^ot ou  %% tard. L'invention donne l'\^etre \`a ce qui n'\'etait pas, elle  %% aurait pu ne venir jamais.''}  ``\emph{Discovery, or uncovering, has to do with what already exists,  actually or virtually; it was therefore certain to happen sooner  or later. Invention gives being to what did not exist; it might  never have happened.}''~\cite[p. 58]{bergson2010creative}  \end{quote}  As we have indicated, serendipity would seem to require features of  both discovery and invention: that is, the discovery of something  unexpected and the invention of an application for the same. Both  processes can be seen as ongoing and diverse, which underscores the  relationship between serendipity and creativity. According to Arthur  Cropley \citeyear{cropley2006praise}, creative thinking involves  ``novelty generation followed by (or accompanied by) exploration of  the novelty from the point of view of workability, acceptability, or  similar criteria, in order to determine if it is effective.''  Following \citeA{austin2003chase}, Cropley understands serendipity to  describe the case of a person who ``stumbles upon something novel and  effective when not looking for it.'' Nearby categories are  \emph{blind luck}, the \emph{luck of the diligent} (or  pseudoserendipity) and \emph{self-induced luck}; however, Cropley  questions ``whether it is a matter of luck at all'' because of the  work and knowledge involved in the process of assessment.  %  The perspective developed here would sharpen these understandings in two ways:  firstly, we point out that work is involved in both discovery and  invention even when chance plays a role, and secondly, we defer true ``novelty'' to the invention phase.  %% In other words, serendipity involves creative making. Furthermore, we  %% emphasise the importance of active, agential discernment over more  %% passive stumbling.           

as their Highness travelled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents  \& sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of}[.]''~\cite[p. 633]{van1994anatomy}  \end{quote}  The same story formed part of the inspiration for Voltaire's \emph{Zadig}, and ``the method of Zadig'' was referenced in late 19th Century philosophy of science \cite{huxley1894science}.  Walpole's  term ``serendipity''  became more widely known in the 1940s through studies on the sociology  of serendipity as a factor in scientific discovery, surveyed science  by Robert Merton and Elinor Barber \citeyear{merton} Barber, collected  in ``The \emph{The  Travels and Adventures of Serendipity, A Study in Historical Semantics and the Sociology of Sciences''. Sciences}.  Merton \citeyear{merton1948bearing} \cite[pp. 195--196]{merton} describes a generalised ``serendipity pattern'' and its constituent parts: \begin{quote}  ``\emph{The serendipity pattern refers to the fairly common experience of observing an \emph{unanticipated}, \emph{anomalous} \emph{and strategic} \emph{\textbf{unanticipated}}, \emph{\textbf{anomalous}} \emph{\textbf{and strategic}}  datum which becomes the occasion for developing a new theory or for extending an existing theory.}''~\cite[p. 506]{merton1948bearing}~{[}emphasis in original{]} %% The datum [that exerts a pressure for initiating theory] is, first of all, unanticipated. A research directed toward the test of one hypothesis yields a fortuitous by-product, an unexpected observation which bears upon theories not in question when the research was begun.  %% Secondly, the observation is anomalous, surprising, either because it seems inconsistent with prevailing theory or with other established facts. In either case, the seeming inconsistency provokes curiosity; it stimulates the investigator to "make sense of the datum," to fit it into a broader frame of knowledge....  %% And thirdly, in noting that the unexpected fact must be "strategic," i. e., that it must permit of implications which bear upon generalized theory, we are, of course, referring rather to what the observer brings to the datum than to the datum itself. For it obviously requires a theoretically sensitized observer to detect the universal in the particular.  

It is important to note that serendipity is usually discussed within  the context of \emph{discovery}, rather than \emph{creativity},  although in typical everyday  parlance these terms are closely related \cite{jordanous12jims}. In the definition of serendipity that we present in Section \ref{sec:our-model}, we make use  of Henri Bergson's distinction:  \begin{quote} 

unexpected and the invention of an application for the same. Both  processes can be seen as ongoing and diverse, which underscores the  relationship between serendipity and creativity. According to Arthur  Cropley \citeyear{cropley2006praise}, Cropley,  creative thinking involves ``novelty \begin{quote}  ``{[}N{]}\emph{ovelty  generation followed by (or accompanied by) exploration of the novelty from the point of view of workability, acceptability, or similar criteria, in order to determine if it is effective.'' effective.}'' \citeyear{cropley2006praise}  \end{quote}  Following \citeA{austin2003chase}, Cropley understands serendipity to  describe the case of a person who ``stumbles upon something novel and  effective when not looking for it.'' Nearby categories are 

questions ``whether it is a matter of luck at all'' because of the  work and knowledge involved in the process of assessment.  %  The perspective developed here would sharpen sharpens  these understandings in two ways: firstly, we point out that work is involved in both discovery and  invention even phases of the process (even  when chance plays a role, role),  and secondly, we defer true ``novelty'' to the invention phase. %% In other words, serendipity involves creative making. Furthermore, we  %% emphasise the importance of active, agential discernment over more  %% passive stumbling. 

investigator also needs to have a suitable frame of mind, one that  is ready to make a jump into the unknown as the world changes. In a  certain sense it is necessary to be able to ``overcome'' situated  cognition, or at least be ready to revise the plan approach  as the situation changes \cite{bereiter1997situated}. \end{itemize}  \begin{itemize} 

\subsection{Related work} \label{sec:related}  An active research community investigating computational models of serendipity exists in the field of information retrieval, retrieval \cite{foster2003serendipity},  and specifically, in recommender systems \cite{Toms2000}. In this the recommender system  domain, \citeA{Herlocker2004} and \citeA{McNee2006} view serendipity as an important factor for user satisfaction, alongside accuracy and diversity. Serendipity in recommendations is understood to imply that the system suggests \emph{unexpected} items, which the user considers to be \emph{useful}, \emph{interesting}, \emph{attractive} or \emph{relevant}.   % \cite{Herlocker2004} \cite{Lu2012},\cite{Ge2010}.   Definitions differ as to the requirement of \emph{novelty}; \citeA{Adamopoulos2011}, for example, describe systems that suggest items that may already be known, but are still unexpected in the current context. While standardised measures such as the $F_1$-score or the (R)MSE are used to determine the \emph{accuracy} of a recommendation (i.e.~whether the recommended item is very close to what the user is already known to prefer), there is no common agreement on a measure for serendipity yet, although there are several proposals \cite{Murakami2008, Adamopoulos2011, McCay-Peet2011,iaquinta2010can}. 

Recent work has examined related topics of \emph{curiosity}  \cite{wu2013curiosity} and \emph{surprise} \cite{grace2014using} in  computing. This latter work seeks to ``adopt methods from the field  of computational creativity [$\ldots$] to the generation of scientific hypotheses.'' This is an a useful  example of an effort focused on computational \emph{invention}.Paul Andr{\'e} et al.~\citeyear{andre2009discovery} have examined  serendipity from a design perspective. Like us, these authors  proposed a two-part model encompassing ``the chance encountering of  information, and the sagacity to derive insight from the encounter.''  According to Andr\'e et al., the first phase is the one that has most  frequently been automated -- but they suggest that computational  systems should be developed that support both aspects. They  specifically suggest to focus on representational features:  \emph{domain expertise} and a \emph{common language model}.  These features seem to exemplify  aspects of the \emph{prepared mind}. However, as we mentioned above,  the \emph{bridge} is a distinct process that mental preparation can  support, but that it does not necessarily fully determine. For example, participants in  a poetry workshop may possess a very limited understanding of each  other's aims or of the work they are critiquing, and may as a  consequence talk past one another to a greater or lesser degree --  while nevertheless finding the overall process of participating in the  workshop illuminating and rewarding (often precisely because  such misunderstandings elucidate poor communication choices!).  Various social strategies, ranging from Writers Workshops to open  source software, pair programming, and design charettes  \cite[p. 11]{gabriel2002writer} have been developed to exploit similar  emergent effects and to develop \emph{new} shared language. We have  recently investigated the feasibility of using  designs of this sort in multi-agent systems that learn by sharing and  discussing partial understandings \cite{corneli2015computational,corneli2015feedback}.  \citeA{robot-rendezvous} develop a discussion of serendipitous  rendezvous in a multi-agent system for a graph exploration problem, in  which ``[h]aving more data about their colleagues, better decisions  are made about the potential serendipity path.'' This has some  similarity to the discursive scenario described above, and shows that  \emph{asymmetric partial knowledge} can support serendipitious  findings. These examples suggest that a distinction between emergent  knowledge of other actors and knowledge about an underlying domain may  be useful -- although the distinction may be less relevant if  the underlying domain itself has dynamic and emergent features.  \emph{Social coordination} among human users of information systems is  a current research topic. \citeA{rubin2010everyday} point out that  naive end users often \emph{talk about} serendiptious occurrences,  which presents another route for research and evaluation.  The {\sf SerenA} system developed by Deborah Maxwell et al.~\citeyear{maxwell2012designing} offers a case study of several of the points discussed above.  This system is designed to support serendipitous discovery for its (human) users  \cite{forth2013serena}. The authors rely on a process-based model of  serendipity \cite{Makri2012,Makri2012a} that is derived from user  studies, including interviews with 28 researchers, looking for  instances of serendipity from both their personal and professional  lives. This material was coded along three dimensions:  \emph{unexpectedness}, \emph{insightfulness}, and \emph{value}. This  research aims to support the process of forming bridging connections  from an unexpected encounter to a previously unanticipated but valuable  outcome. The theory focuses on the acts of \emph{reflection}  that foment both the creation of a bridge and estimates of the  potential value of the result.  %  While this description touches on all Creativity and serendipity are closely linked. Indeed, Cropley's  definition  of the features creative thinking quoted in Section  \ref{sec:by-example} has a lot in common with understanding  of serendipity that is developed in this paper. However, in  standard usage the terms are hardly synonymous.  %  On  our model, {\sf  SerenA} largely matches understanding, serendipity is neither a system trait (like  skill or autonomy), nor an attribute of an artefact (like novelty  or usefulness). Rather, it  the term is a  description offered by of a  certain kind of process.  Like us, Paul  Andr{\'e} et al.~\citeyear{andre2009discovery} propose a two-part model  of discovery-focused systems, in which  the user experiences an ``aha'' moment serendipity encompassing ``the chance  encountering of information,  andtakes  the creative steps sagacity  to realise derive insight  from  the result. {\sf SerenA}'s primary computational method is encounter.'' According  to search outside of Andr\'e et al.,  the normal search parameters in order first  phase is the one that has most frequently been automated -- but  these authors suggest that computational systems should be  developed that support both aspects. They specifically suggest  to engineer  potentially serendipitous (or at least pseudo-serendipitous)  encounters.  %% Another  %% earlier related example of pursue  this sort of system is {\sf Max}, created  %% work  by Figueiredo and Campos \citeyear{Campos2002}. The user emailed {\sf  %% Max} developing systems  with an existing list of interests better  representational features: \emph{domain expertise}  and{\sf Max} would return  a %% web page \emph{common language model}.  These features seem to exemplify aspects of the \emph{prepared  mind}. However, as we mentioned above, the \emph{bridge} is a  distinct step in the process  that might also be mental preparation can support,  but that it does not necessarily fully determine. For instance,  persons involved in a dialogue may understand each other quite  poorly, while nevertheless finding the conversation interesting  and rewarding experience. For one thing, misunderstandings can  present learning opportunities! Various social strategies,  ranging from Writers Workshops to open source software and  from design charettes to group therapy have been  developed to exploit similar emergent effects and to develop  \emph{new} shared language  \cite{gabriel2002writer,seikkula2014open}. We have recently  investigated the feasibility of using designs  of interest. Other this sort in  multi-agent  systems with similar  %% support for serendipitous discovery involve searching for analogies  %% \cite{Donoghue2002,Donoghue2012}) as well as content \cite{Iaquinta2008}. that learn by sharing and discussing partial  understandings  \cite{corneli2015computational,corneli2015feedback}.  Figueiredo and Campos \citeyear{Figueiredo2001} describe serendipitous ``moves'' from one  problem to another, which transform a problem that cannot be solved 

(or get their systems to record) what problem a given system solves,  and the degree to which the computer was responsible for coming up  with this problem.  %  As \citeA[p. 69]{pease2013discussion} remark, anomaly detection and  outlier analysis are part of the standard machine learning toolkit --  but recognising \emph{new} patterns and defining \emph{new} problems  is more ambitious. Establishing complex analogies between evolving problems and solutions is one of the key strategies used by teams of human designers \cite{Analogical-problem-evolution-DCC}. Kazjon Grace  \citeyear{kaz-thesis} presents a computational model of the The  creation of newconcepts and interpretations, but this work did include the  ability to create new higher order relationships necessary for complex  analogies. New  patterns and higher-order analogies were considered in Hofstadter and Mitchell's work on  {\sf Copycat} and the subsequent {\sf Metacat}, but these systems operated operate  in a simple and fairly abstract ``microdomain'' \cite{hofstadter1994copycat,DBLP:journals/jetai/Marshall06}. %% More  %% recent work %  Serendipity and problem-creation are related, and turning over  increasing responsibility to the machine will be important if we  want to foster the possibility of genuine surprises.  The {\sf SerenA} system developed by Deborah Maxwell et  al.~\citeyear{maxwell2012designing} offers a case study  in this tradition some  of these concepts. This system  is surveyed in  %% \cite{eric-nichols-thesis}. designed to support  serendipitous discovery for its (human) users  \cite{forth2013serena}.  The relationship between authors rely on a process-based  model of serendipity \cite{Makri2012,Makri2012a} that is derived  from user studies that draws on interviews with 28 researchers,  who were asked to look for instances of  serendipity from both  their personal  and novel problems receives  considerable attention professional lives. The research aims to  support the formation of bridging connections from an unexpected  encounter to a previously unanticipated but valuable outcome.  The theory focuses on the acts of reflection that support both  the creation of a bridge, and the estimation of the potential  value of the result.  %  While this description touches on all of the features of our model, {\sf  SerenA} largely matches the description offered by Andr{\'e} et  al.~\citeyear{andre2009discovery} of discovery-focused systems,  in which  the current work, since user experiences an ``aha'' moment and takes the  creative steps to realise the result. {\sf SerenA}'s primary computational method is to  search outside of the normal search parameters in order to engineer  potentially serendipitous (or at least pseudo-serendipitous)  encounters.  Computer-supported serendipity has been well-studied, but purely  computational serendipity, much less so. This may partly be due  to the absence of clear criteria (which something  we want address in  the current paper) but also due  to sociological factors in  computing research. Existing standards for assessing  computational creativity have historically focused on product  evaluations \cite{ritchie07}, and are  increasingly turn over responsibility complemented  by methods that consider process  \cite{colton2008creativity,colton-assessingprogress} or a  combination of product and process \cite{jordanous:12}. However,  processes that arise outside of the control of the system (and  ultimately, the researcher) are not often considered. They may  be seen to ``invalidate'' research into creativity, rendering it  unscientific. But we would argue we need more research into  autonomous creative systems. This requires a different mindset,  and a different approach to system building and evaluation.  \begin{quote}  ``\emph{Tinkering is a process of serendipity-seeking that does not just tolerate uncertainty and ambiguity, it requires it. When conditions  for creating it are right, the result is a snowballing effect where pleasant surprises lead to more pleasant surprises.}'' \cite{rao2015breaking}  %% What makes this a problem-solving mechanism is diversity of individual perspectives coupled with the law of large numbers (the statistical idea that rare events can become highly probable if there are enough trials going on). If an increasing number of highly diverse individuals operate this way, the chances of any given problem getting solved via a serendipitous new idea slowly rises. This is the luck of networks.  %% Serendipitous solutions are not just cheaper than goal-directed ones. They are typically more creative and elegant,  and maintaining require much less conflict. Sometimes they are so creative, the fact that they even solve  a prepared mind particular problem becomes hard  to recognize. For example, telecommuting and video-conferencing do more to “solve” the problem of fossil-fuel dependence than many alternative energy technologies, but are usually understood as technologies for flex-work rather than energy savings.  %% Ideas born of tinkering are not targeted solutions aimed at specific problems, such as “climate change” or “save the middle class,” so they can be applied more broadly. As a result, not only do current problems get solved in unexpected ways, but new value is created through surplus and spillover. The clearest early sign of such serendipity at work is unexpectedly rapid growth in the adoption of a new capability. This indicates that it is being used in many unanticipated ways, solving both seen and unseen problems, by both design and “luck”.  \end{quote}  If we control the system, at bottom  the machine. best we can hope for is  ``pleasant unsurprises.'' Understanding serendipity may help  build autonomous systems without ``unpleasant surprises,'' a  topic of considerable current concern  \cite{philosophy-machine-morality,machine-ethics-status}.         

``serendipitous.'' Summarising, we propose the following:  \begin{ndef}  \emph{(1) Within a system with a prepared mind, a previously uninteresting serendipity trigger arises due to circumstances that the system does not control, and is classified as interesting by the system; and,}  \emph{(2) The system, by subsequently processing this system uses the  trigger and background information prior preparation,  together with relevant reasoning, computational processing,  networking, or and  experimental techniques, obtains to obtain  a novel result that is evaluated favourably by the system or by external sources.} \end{ndef}         

discovery. Section \ref{sec:our-model} distilled these elements into a computational model,  culminating in a method for evaluating computational serendipity in Section \ref{specs-overview}.  In order to apply these criteria, it is important to clearly delineate  the scope of the system being evaluated. For example, a standard  spell-checking system might suggest a substitution that the user deems  especially fortuitous; we may agree that serendipity has occurred, but  we would not attribute serendipity to the spell-checker.  \citeA{pease2013discussion} used an earlier variant these the SPECS  criteria to analyse three examples of potentially serendipitous behaviour: dynamic investigation problems, model generation, and poetry flowcharts. Three additional Using our updated criteria, we discuss two new  examples are discussed below using the revised  criteria. below, and revisit poetry flowcharts as a third example.  As Campbell \citeyear{campbell2005serendipity} writes, ``serendipity presupposes a smart mind,'' and these examples suggest potential directions for further work in computational intelligence. Before describing these examples, as a baseline, we introduce the  notion of \emph{minimally serendipitous systems}. According to our  standards, there are various ways to achieve a result with little or  no serendipity: if the observation was likely, if further developments  happened with little skill, and if the the value of the result was  low, then we would not say the outcome was serendipitous. We would be  prepared to attribute ``minimal serendipity'' to cases where the  observation was \emph{moderately} likely, \emph{some} skill or effort  was involved, and the result was only \emph{fairly good}. However,  for computational systems, if most of the skill involved lies with the  user, then there is little reason to call the system's operation  serendipitous -- even if it consistently does its job very well. For  example, machines can learn to recognise or approximate certain types  of patterns, but it is surprising when a computational system  independently finds an entirely new kind of pattern. Furthermore, the  position of the evaluator is important: a spell-checking system might  suggest a particularly fortuitous substitution, but we would not  expect the spell-checker to know when it was being clever. In such a  case, we may say serendipity has occurred, but not that we have a  serendipitous system.  %% If the system learns an $N$th fact or  %% If applied to a system which could be described as minimally 

\end{quote}  In future versions of the system, autonomous evaluation could take over for the human evaluator. Once the interesting samples have been found, a \textbf{bridge} is then built to new results through the creation of new Improvisors. The \textbf{results} are the various musical improvisations produced by the fittest Improvisors (as well as, perhaps, the parameters that have been considered fittest).  %%  The likelihood of serendipitous evolution is greatly enhanced by the %%  use of random mutation and crossover operations within the genetic %%  algorithm, which increase the diversity of the search space covered by %%  the system during evolution. The probability of encountering any particular pair of Improvisor and user evaluation is vanishingly low,  given the massive dimensions of this search space. However,due to  the way the system's evolution works,  there will always be a highest-scoring Improviser, whose parameters will be used to seed the  next round. So, in fact, the \textbf{chance} of the system  encountering aserendipity  trigger is high. The evolution of Improvisors captures a sense of \textbf{curiosity} about how to  satisfy the musical tastes of a particular human user who identifies  certain Improvisors as interesting. The \textbf{sagacity} of the  system's system  corresponds to its methods for enhancing the likelihood that the user will appreciate a given Improvisor's music (or similar music)  over time. However, with little basis for comparison, we can only say  that these dimensions present to ``typical'' degree. The aim of the 

measure of  $\mathit{high}\times\mathit{moderate}\times\mathit{moderate}$, with  outcomes of moderate value, so that the system as a whole is ``not  very serendipitous.'' If However, if  individual threads in the search process were given more independence, they could be evaluated separately, and some might prove to be more serendipitous than others. In According to  the current case, SPECS criteria,  we are not required to progress to Part C, C here,  but for completeness, we note the following. The {\sf GAmprovising} system does operate in \textbf{dynamic world}, assuming that the user's tastes may change. A more elaborate version of the system that could cater to multiple users is not yet implemented, but would be occupied with a considerably more complex problem, spanning and integrating \textbf{multiple contexts}. The system clearly engages with \textbf{multiple tasks}, but these are largely separate, for instance, one global fitness function is used, rather than evolving a local fitness function for each user along with their ratings. \textbf{Multiple influences} are present but currently only at compile time, in the design of the fitness function, and the selection of musical parameters that can later be set. Greater dynamism in future versions of the system would be likely to increase its potential for serendipity. \subsection{Case Study: Next-generation recommender systems} \label{sec:nextgenrec}  % Stress distinction between serendipity on the system- vs. serendipity on the user's side.  As discussed in Section \ref{sec:related}, recommender systems are one  of the primary contexts in computing where serendipity is currently discussed. Serendipity, for current recommender systems, means suggesting items to a user that will be likely to introduce new ideas that are unexpected, but close to what the user is already interested in. As we noted, these systems mostly focus on supporting \emph{discovery} for the user -- but some architectures also seem to take account of \emph{invention} of new methods for making recommendations, e.g.~using Bayesian methods, as surveyed in \citeNP{shengbo-guo-thesis}. In light of our working definition of serendipity, we need distinguish serendipity on the user side from serendipity in the system itself.  Current recommendation techniques associate less popular items with high unexpectedness \cite{Herlocker2004,Lu2012}, and use clustering to discover latent structures in the search space, e.g., partitioning users into clusters of common interests, or clustering users and domain objects \cite{Kamahara2005,Onuma2009,Zhang2011}. But even in the Bayesian case, the system has limited autonomy. Nevertheless, a A  case for developing giving  more autonomous autonomy to  recommender systems can be made, especially in complex complex, rapidly evolving,  domains where hand-tuning is cost-intensive or infeasible. With this challenge in mind, we investigate how serendipity could be achieved on the system side. In terms of our model, current systems have at least the makings of a \textbf{prepared mind}, comprising both a user- and a domain model, both of which can be updated dynamically. User behaviour (e.g.~following certain recommendations) or changes to the domain (e.g.~adding a new product) may serve as a potential \textbf{trigger} that could ultimately cause the system to discover a new way to make recommendations in the future. Note, however, that it is unexpected behaviour in aggregate, rather than a one-off event, that ismost  likely to provide grounds for a \textbf{focus shift}. A \textbf{bridge} to a new kind of recommendation could be created by looking at exceptional patterns as they appear over time. For instance, new elements may have been introduced into the domain that do not cluster well, and clusters may appear in the user model that do not have obvious connections between them. A new approach that helps to address the organisational mission would constitute a serendipitous \textbf{result} on the system side. The system has only imperfect knowledge of user preferences and  interests. At least relative to current recommender systems, the 

tuned to search for flowcharts that generate poetry, as we discuss in  \cite{corneli2015computational}.  There is a strong role for The  \textbf{chance} even in the early  prototype, regarding of finding a novel successful combination of nodes  is fairly low, as this depends on  both the output from certain nodes, and in terms the combinatorial search strategy itself. The chances Compared to  humans users  of {\sf FloWr}, the seems exceptionally \textbf{curious}  about  findinga  novelsuccessful combination of nodes is fairly low. The system's  ongoing effort to discover new  combinations that work could be  interpreted as \textbf{curiosity}. The fact that it remembers of nodes. Remembering  viable combinations and doesn't try avoiding  combinations that are known not to work could be thought presents only a modest degree  ofas moderate  \textbf{sagacity}. At the moment, the threshold system's criterion  for attributing  \textbf{value} islow,  simply a new that  the  combination of nodes that produces generates  non-empty output. If this can be accompanied by output; however  an explanation, external evaluator is not likely to judge these combinations as  useful. The associated ``likelihood score'' is  $\mathit{low}\times\mathit{low}\times\mathit{high}$, but  the value system  should be seen only as ``potentially serendipitous'' until there  is higher. a  more discriminating way to judge value.  The \textbf{dynamic world} the system operates in is dynamic in two  ways: first, in the straightforward sense that some of the input 

\item The next-generation recommender systems we've envisioned need to  be able to make inferences from aggregate user behaviour. This  points to long-term considerations that go beyond the unique  serendipitous event. How much leeway ``curious''  should these system have systems be? One  obvious criterion is that short-term value should be allowed  to experiment? suffer as long as expected value is still higher.  \item The clearest way to enhance the serendipity of results from the  flowchart assembly process would be to impose more stringent, and  more meaningful, criteria for value. In addition to raising  challenges for autonomous evaluation (as in the evolutionary music  system case), this requirement would impose more sophisticated  constaints on processing in earlier steps. steps, which would require the  system to become more sagacious.  \end{enumerate}         

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