Joe Corneli reorder case studies and extend heuristics  about 8 years ago

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model. The model is summarised in text form at the end of this  section, in our working definition of serendipity.  %%  Figure \ref{fig:1a} is a heuristic map of the features of serendipity %%  introduced in Section \ref{sec:by-example}. %% %  %% Dashed paths ending in `\ymark' show some of the things that can go  %% wrong.  It is worth remarking that many things might go wrong.  %  Dashed paths ending in `\ymark' show some of the things that can go  wrong. A serendipity trigger might not arise, or might not attract interest. If interest is aroused, a path to a useful result may not be sought, or may not be found. If a result is developed, it may turn out to be of little value. Prior experience with a related problem could be informative, but could also hamper innovation. Similarly, multiple tasks, influences, and contexts can help to foster an inventive frame of mind, but they may also be distractions. Figure \ref{fig:1b} removes ignores  these unserendipitous paths possibilities  to focus on the key features of ``successful'' serendipity. %  The \textbf{trigger} is denoted here by $T$.   % 

The \textbf{bridge} is comprised of the actions based on $p^{\prime}$  that are taken on $T^\star$ leading to the \textbf{result} $R$, which is ultimately given a positive evaluation.  \afterpage{\clearpage} %\afterpage{\clearpage}  \begin{figure}[p]  \vspace{2mm}  \captionsetup[subfigure]{justification=centering}  %%  \begin{minipage}[b]{\textwidth} %%  {\centering %%  \input{heuristic-map-tikz} %%  \par} %%  \vspace{-4mm} %%  \subcaption{A heuristic map, showing serendipitous and unserendipitous outcomes}\label{fig:1a} %%  \end{minipage} %%  \medskip \begin{subfigure}{\textwidth}  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \begin{minipage}[b]{\textwidth}  {\centering  \input{schematic-tikz}  %\includegraphics[width=.8\textwidth]{schematic}  \par}  %\subfloat[A simplified process schematic, showing the key features of the model: the trigger, prepared mind, focus shift, and result][A simplified process schematic, showing the key features of the model:\newline the trigger, prepared mind, focus shift, and result]  \subcaption{A simplified process schematic, showing the key features of the model}\label{fig:1b} model:\newline the trigger ($T$), prepared mind  ($p$, $p^\prime$), focus shift ($T^\star$), and result ($R$)}  \label{fig:1b}  \end{minipage}  \medskip \end{subfigure}  \bigskip  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \begin{minipage}[b]{\textwidth} 

\end{minipage}  \bigskip  \caption{Three \caption{Schematic  representations of the elements of serendipity}\label{fig:model} a serendipitous process}\label{fig:model}  \end{figure}  Figure \ref{fig:1c} expands this schematic into a sketch of the 

Serendipity does not adhere to one specific part of the system, but to  its operations as a whole.   Although Figures \ref{fig:1b} and \ref{fig:1c} treat the case of successful serendipity, as indicated in Figure  \ref{fig:1a}, the earlier remarks suggest,  each step is fallible, as is the system as a whole. Thus, for example, a trigger that has been initially tagged as interesting may prove to be fruitless.  Similarly fruitless in the verification stage. Similarly,  a system that implements all of the steps in Figure \ref{fig:1c}, but that for whatever reason is  never achieves results able to achieve a result  of significant  value cannot be said to have potential for serendipity. However, a system only produces results of high value would also be suspect, since it would indicate a tight coupling between trigger and outcome. Fallibility is a ``meta-criterion'' that transcends the criteria from Section \ref{sec:by-example}. Summarising, we propose the following: %\vspace{.5cm}         

%  %Then combining $\mathbf{a}\times\mathbf{b}\times\mathbf{c}$ gives a  % likelihood score:   {Low \begin{mdframed}  \vspace{.1cm} {\textbf{\emph{Likelihood score and ruling.}} Low  but nonzero likelihood $\mathbf{a}\times\mathbf{b}\times\mathbf{c}$ and high value $\mathbf{d}$ are the criteria we use to say imply  that the event was ``highly serendipitous.''} ``serendipitous.''  In other conditions, the event was ``unserendipitous.''}  \end{mdframed}  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \item[{(\textbf{C - Factors})}] {Finally, if the criteria from Part A  are met, and if the event is deemed sufficiently serendipitous to 

\subsection{Heuristics}\label{specs-heuristics}  \textbf{\emph{Choose relevant populations to produce a useful  estimate.}} It isn't necessary to assign explicit numerical  values to $\mathbf{a}$, $\mathbf{b}$, $\mathbf{c}$, and $\mathbf{d}$,  although that can be done if desired. More typically -- and in all of  the examples that follow -- all that is required is to select a  relevant population in order to make an estimate. With a population  of one, there is no basis for comparison, whereas in huge population,  the chance of any particularly specific outcome is likely to be  vanishingly small. The aim is to highlight what -- if anything -- is  special about the potentially serendipitous development pathway, in  comparison to other possible paths. Thus, we might compare Fleming to  other lab biologists, and Goodyear to other chemists. Even if we were  to shift the analysis and look at the much smaller populations of  experimental pathologists or inventors with an interest in rubber,  Fleming and Goodyear would have features that stand out, particularly  when it comes to their curiosity.  \textbf{\emph{Find the salient features of the trigger.}}  How can we we estimate the chance of the trigger appearing, if every trigger is unique? Consider de Mestral's encounter with burrs. The chance of encountering burrs while out walking is high: \emph{high}:  many people have had that experience. The unique features of de Mestral's experience are that he had the curiosity to investigate the burrs under a microscope, and the sagacity (and tenacity) to turn what he discovered into a successful product. The details of the particular burrs that were encountered are essentially irrelevant. This shows that it is not essential for all factors contributing to the likelihood score to be ``low'' ``\emph{low}''  in order for a given process of discovery and invention to be deemed serendipitous. In the general case, we are not interested in the chance of encountering a particular object or set of data. Rather, we are interested the chance of encountering some trigger that could precipitate an interested response. The trigger itself may be a complex object or event that takes place over a period of time; in other words, it may be a pattern, rather than a fact. Noticing patterns is a key aspect of sagacity, as well. \textbf{\emph{Look at long-term behaviour.}}  Although it is in no way required by the SPECS methodology outlined above, many systems (including all of the examples below) have an iterative aspect. This means that a result may serve as a trigger for further discovery. In such a case, further indeterminacy may need to be introduced to the system, lest the results be convergent, and therefor, infallible. In applying the critera to such systems, we consider long-term behaviour.        

to analyse three examples of potentially serendipitous behaviour:  dynamic investigation problems, model generation, and poetry  flowcharts. Using our updated criteria, we discuss two new examples  below, and revisit poetry flowcharts in our third example, flowcharts,  reporting on recent work and framing outlining  the next steps. The first example reviews three case studies respectively apply  the criteria to \emph{evaluate} of  an existing system, \emph{design} a  new experiment, and \emph{frame} a ``grand challenge.'' In the first  case study, the  systemthat  we deem evaluate turns out not  to benot  particularly serendipitous:  this serendipitous according to our criteria. This  helps to show that our definition is not overly inclusive. The second exampleoutlines a ``grand challenge''. The third example  combines retrospective and prospective positions, as it integrates design and prototyping. As Campbell \citeyear{campbell2005serendipity} writes, ``serendipity presupposes a smart mind,'' and each of these examples suggest potential directions for further work in computational intelligence. %% If the system learns an $N$th fact or  %% If applied to a system which could be described as minimally 

musical parameters. Greater dynamism in future versions of the system  would be likely to increase its potential for serendipity.  \subsection{Case Study: Envisioning artificially intelligent recommender systems} \label{sec:nextgenrec}  \subsubsection{System description}  % Stress distinction between serendipity on the system- vs. serendipity on the user's side.  Recommender systems are one of the primary contexts in computing where  serendipity is currently discussed. In the context of the current  recommender system literature, `serendipity' means suggesting items to  a user that will be likely to introduce new ideas that are unexpected,  but thar are close to what the user is already interested in. These  systems mostly focus on supporting \emph{discovery} for the user --  but some architectures also seem to take account of \emph{invention}  of new methods for making recommendations, e.g.~by using Bayesian  methods, as surveyed in \citeNP{shengbo-guo-thesis}. Current  recommendation techniques that aim to stimulate serendipitous  discovery associate less popular items with high unexpectedness  \cite{Herlocker2004,Lu2012}, and use clustering to discover latent  structures in the search space, e.g., partitioning users into clusters  of common interests, or clustering users and domain objects  \cite{Kamahara2005,Onuma2009,Zhang2011}. But even in the Bayesian  case, the system has limited autonomy. A case for giving more  autonomy to recommender systems can be made, especially in complex and  rapidly evolving domains where hand-tuning is cost-intensive or  infeasible. This suggests the need to distinguish serendipity that  the recommender induces for the user from serendipity that user  behaviour induces in the system.  \subsubsection{Application of criteria}  With this challenge in mind, we ask how serendipity could be achieved  within a next-generation recommender system. In terms of our model,  current systems have at least the makings of a \textbf{prepared mind},  comprising both a user- and a domain model, both of which can be  updated dynamically. User behaviour (e.g.~following certain  recommendations) or changes to the domain (e.g.~adding a new product)  may serve as a potential \textbf{trigger} that could ultimately cause  the system to discover a new way to make recommendations in the  future. In the current generation of systems that seek to induce  serendipity for the user, the system aims to induce a focus shift by  presenting recommendations that are neither too close, nor too far  away from what user already knows. Here the flow of information is  the other way around. Note, however, that it is unexpected pattern of  behaviour in aggregate, rather than a one-off event, that is likely to  provide grounds for the system's \textbf{focus shift}. A  \textbf{bridge} to a new kind of recommendation could be created by  looking at exceptional patterns as they appear over time. For  instance, new elements may have been introduced into the domain that  do not cluster well, or a user may suddenly indicate a strong  preference towards an item that does not fit their preference history.  Clusters may appear in the user model that do not have obvious  connections between them. A new recommendation strategy that  addresses the organisation's goals would be a valuable  \textbf{result}.  The system has only imperfect knowledge of user preferences and  interests. At least relative to current recommender systems, the  \textbf{chance} of noticing some particular pattern in user behaviour  seems quite low. The urge to make recommendations specifically for  the purposes of finding out more about users could be described as  \textbf{curiosity}. Such recommendations may work to the detriment of  user satisfaction -- and business metrics -- over the short term. In  principle, the system's curiosity could be set as a parameter,  depending on how much coherence is permitted to suffer for the sake of  gaining new knowledge. Measures of \textbf{sagacity} would relate to  the system's ability to develop useful experiments and draw sensible  inferences from user behaviour. For example, the system would have to  select the best time to initiate an A/B test. A significant amount of  programming would have to be invested in order to make this sort of  judgement autonomously, and currently such systems are beyond rare.  The \textbf{value} of recommendation strategies can be measured in  terms of traditional business metrics or other organisational  objectives.  \subsubsection{Ruling}  In this case, we compute a likelihood measure of  $\mathit{low}\times\mathit{variable}\times\mathit{low}$, with outcomes  of potentially high value, so that such a system is ``potentially  highly serendipitous.'' Realising such a system should be understood  as a computational grand challenge. If such a system was ever  realised, to maintain high value, continued adaptations would be  required. If there was a population of super-intelligent systems  along the lines envisioned here, the likelihood measures would have to  be rescaled accordingly.  \subsubsection{Qualitative assessment}  Recommender systems have to cope with a \textbf{dynamic world} of changing user preferences and a changing collection of items to recommend. A dynamic environment which exhibits some degree of regularity represents a precondition for useful A/B testing. The system's \textbf{multiple contexts} include the user model, the domain model, as well as an evolving model of its own organisation. A system matching the description here would have \textbf{multiple tasks}: making useful recommendations, generating new experiments to learn about users, and improving its models. In order to make effective decisions, a system would have to avail itself of \textbf{multiple influences} related to experimental design, psychology, and domain understanding. Pathways for user feedback that go beyond answers to the question ``Was this recommendation helpful?'' could be one way make the relevant expertise available.  \subsection{Case Study: Iterative design in automated programming} \label{sec:flowchartassembly} 

are another place where domain-specific knowledge can be brought to  bear.  \subsection{Case Study: Envisioning artificially intelligent recommender systems} \label{sec:nextgenrec}  \subsubsection{System description}  % Stress distinction between serendipity on the system- vs. serendipity on the user's side.  Recommender systems are one of the primary contexts in computing where  serendipity is currently discussed. In the context of the current  recommender system literature, `serendipity' means suggesting items to  a user that will be likely to introduce new ideas that are unexpected,  but thar are close to what the user is already interested in. These  systems mostly focus on supporting \emph{discovery} for the user --  but some architectures also seem to take account of \emph{invention}  of new methods for making recommendations, e.g.~by using Bayesian  methods, as surveyed in \citeNP{shengbo-guo-thesis}. Current  recommendation techniques that aim to stimulate serendipitous  discovery associate less popular items with high unexpectedness  \cite{Herlocker2004,Lu2012}, and use clustering to discover latent  structures in the search space, e.g., partitioning users into clusters  of common interests, or clustering users and domain objects  \cite{Kamahara2005,Onuma2009,Zhang2011}. But even in the Bayesian  case, the system has limited autonomy. A case for giving more  autonomy to recommender systems can be made, especially in complex and  rapidly evolving domains where hand-tuning is cost-intensive or  infeasible. This suggests the need to distinguish serendipity that  the recommender induces for the user from serendipity that user  behaviour induces in the system.  \subsubsection{Application of criteria}  With this challenge in mind, we ask how serendipity could be achieved  within a next-generation recommender system. In terms of our model,  current systems have at least the makings of a \textbf{prepared mind},  comprising both a user- and a domain model, both of which can be  updated dynamically. User behaviour (e.g.~following certain  recommendations) or changes to the domain (e.g.~adding a new product)  may serve as a potential \textbf{trigger} that could ultimately cause  the system to discover a new way to make recommendations in the  future. In the current generation of systems that seek to induce  serendipity for the user, the system aims to induce a focus shift by  presenting recommendations that are neither too close, nor too far  away from what user already knows. Here the flow of information is  the other way around. Note, however, that it is unexpected pattern of  behaviour in aggregate, rather than a one-off event, that is likely to  provide grounds for the system's \textbf{focus shift}. A  \textbf{bridge} to a new kind of recommendation could be created by  looking at exceptional patterns as they appear over time. For  instance, new elements may have been introduced into the domain that  do not cluster well, or a user may suddenly indicate a strong  preference towards an item that does not fit their preference history.  Clusters may appear in the user model that do not have obvious  connections between them. A new recommendation strategy that  addresses the organisation's goals would be a valuable  \textbf{result}.  The system has only imperfect knowledge of user preferences and  interests. At least relative to current recommender systems, the  \textbf{chance} of noticing some particular pattern in user behaviour  seems quite low. The urge to make recommendations specifically for  the purposes of finding out more about users could be described as  \textbf{curiosity}. Such recommendations may work to the detriment of  user satisfaction -- and business metrics -- over the short term. In  principle, the system's curiosity could be set as a parameter,  depending on how much coherence is permitted to suffer for the sake of  gaining new knowledge. Measures of \textbf{sagacity} would relate to  the system's ability to develop useful experiments and draw sensible  inferences from user behaviour. For example, the system would have to  select the best time to initiate an A/B test. A significant amount of  programming would have to be invested in order to make this sort of  judgement autonomously, and currently such systems are beyond rare.  The \textbf{value} of recommendation strategies can be measured in  terms of traditional business metrics or other organisational  objectives.  \subsubsection{Ruling}  In this case, we compute a likelihood measure of  $\mathit{low}\times\mathit{variable}\times\mathit{low}$, with outcomes  of potentially high value, so that such a system is ``potentially  highly serendipitous.'' Realising such a system should be understood  as a computational grand challenge. If such a system was ever  realised, to maintain high value, continued adaptations would be  required. If there was a population of super-intelligent systems  along the lines envisioned here, the likelihood measures would have to  be rescaled accordingly.  \subsubsection{Qualitative assessment}  Recommender systems have to cope with a \textbf{dynamic world} of changing user preferences and a changing collection of items to recommend. A dynamic environment which exhibits some degree of regularity represents a precondition for useful A/B testing. The system's \textbf{multiple contexts} include the user model, the domain model, as well as an evolving model of its own organisation. A system matching the description here would have \textbf{multiple tasks}: making useful recommendations, generating new experiments to learn about users, and improving its models. In order to make effective decisions, a system would have to avail itself of \textbf{multiple influences} related to experimental design, psychology, and domain understanding. Pathways for user feedback that go beyond answers to the question ``Was this recommendation helpful?'' could be one way make the relevant expertise available.  \afterpage{\clearpage}  \begin{table}[p]  {\centering \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5}  \scriptsize  \begin{tabular}{p{1.5in}@{\hspace{.1in}}p{1.5in}@{\hspace{.1in}}p{1.5in}}  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{{\footnotesize Evolutionary music}}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\hspace{-.3cm}\textbf{{\footnotesize Next-gen.~recommenders\hspace{.3cm}}}} &  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{{\footnotesize Flowchart assembly}}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\hspace{-.3cm}\textbf{{\footnotesize Next-gen.~recommenders\hspace{.3cm}}}}  \\[.05in] \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em {\textbf{Condition}}} \\  \cline{1-3}  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Focus shift} \\[-.1cm]  Driven by (currently, human) evaluation of samples  & Find a pattern to explain a successful combination of nodes  & Unexpected behaviour in the aggregate  & Find a pattern to explain a successful combination of nodes\\ \\  \cline{1-3}  ~\\[-.1cm]  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em {\textbf{Components}}} \\ 

\multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Trigger} \\[-.1cm]  % \textbf{Trigger}  Previous evolutionary steps, in combination with user input  & Trial and error in combinatorial search  & Input from user behaviour  & Trial and error in combinatorial search \\ % \cline{1-3}  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Prepared mind} \\[-.1cm]  % \textbf{Prepared mind}  Musical knowledge, evolution mechanisms  &Through user/domain model  &  Constraints on node inputs and outputs; history of successes and failures\\ failures  & Through user/domain model\\  % \cline{1-3}  %\textbf{Bridge}  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Bridge} \\[-.1cm]  Newly-evolved Improvisors  &Elements identified outside clusters  &  Try novel combinations \\ & Elements identified outside clusters\\  % \cline{1-3}  %\textbf{Result}  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Result} \\[-.1cm]  Music generated by the fittest Improvisors  &Dependent on organisation goals  &  Non-empty or more highly qualified output & Dependent on organisation goals  \\ \cline{1-3} ~\\[-.1cm]  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em \textbf{Dimensions}} \\ 

%\textbf{Chance}  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Chance} \\[-.1cm]  Looking for rare gems in a huge search space  &Imperfect knowledge of user preferences and behaviour  &  Changing state of the outside world; random selection of nodes to try \\ & Imperfect knowledge of user preferences and behaviour\\  % \cline{1-3}  %\textbf{Curiosity}  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Curiosity} \\[-.1cm]  Aiming to have a particular user take note of an Improvisor  &Making unusual recommendations  &  Search for novel combinations \\ & Making unusual recommendations\\  % \cline{1-3}  %\textbf{Sagacity}  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Sagacity} \\[-.1cm]  Enhance user appreciation of Improvisor over time, using a fitness function &Update recommendation model after user behaviour   &  Don't try things known not to work; consider variations on successful patterns & Update recommendation model after user behaviour  \\ % \cline{1-3}  %\textbf{Value} &  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Value} \\[-.1cm]  Via fitness function (as a proxy measure of creativity)  &Per business metrics/objectives  &  Currently ``non-empty results''; more interesting evaluation functions possible \\ & Per business metrics/objectives\\  \cline{1-3}  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  ~\\[-.1cm] 

%\textbf{Dynamic world}  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Dynamic world} \\[-.1cm]  Changes in the user tastes  & Changing data sources and growing domain knowledge   &  As precondition for testing system's influences on user behaviour  & Changing data sources and growing domain knowledge \\ behaviour\\  %\cline{1-3}  %\textbf{Multiple contexts}  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Multiple contexts} \\[-.1cm]  Multiple users' opinions would change what the system is curious about and require greater sagacity  &User model, domain model, model of its own behaviour  &  Interaction between different heuristic search processes would increase unexpectedness \\ & User model, domain model, model of its own behaviour\\  % \cline{1-3}  %\textbf{Multiple tasks}  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Multiple tasks} \\[-.1cm]  Evolve Improvisors, generate music, collect user input, carry out fitness calculations  &Make recommendations, learn from users, update models  &  Generate new heuristics and new domain artefacts \\ & Make recommendations, learn from users, update models\\  % \cline{1-3}  %\textbf{Multiple influences}  \multicolumn{3}{l}{\em Multiple influences} \\[-.1cm]  Through programming of fitness function and musical parameter combinations  &Experimental design, psychology, domain understanding  &  Learning to combine new kinds of ProcessNodes\\ ProcessNodes  & Experimental design, psychology, domain understanding\\  \cline{1-3}  \end{tabular}  \par}         

pages={3--23},  year={2014},  publisher={Springer}  } @book{slack2003noble,  title={Noble Obsession: Charles Goodyear, Thomas Hancock, and the Race to Unlock the Greatest Industrial Secret of the 19th Century},  author={Slack, Charles},  year={2003},  publisher={Hyperion}  }