Joe Corneli add caption for pattern schematic; close #20  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 16f466f087989a330b94c308e55a7919473ff251

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target domain; in the setting we're interested in, creating a new  design pattern also \emph{effects} a resolution of forces directly.  The use case of design pattern development maps into our diagram of  the basic features of serendipity as follows: described in Figure \ref{fig:1b}:  \begin{figure}  \input{pattern-schematic-tikz.tex}  \caption{The components of design patterns mapped to our process schematic}  \end{figure}         

}  \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=2cm,>=latex']  \node [sum] (sum1) (A-sum1)  {}; \node [input, name=pinput, above left=.9cm left=.7cm  and .9cm .7cm  of sum1] (pinput) A-sum1] (A-pinput)  {}; \node [input, name=tinput, left=2cm left=2.2cm  of sum1] (tinput) A-sum1] (A-tinput)  {}; \node [input, name=minput, below left of=sum1] (minput) of=A-sum1] (A-minput)  {}; \node [input, name=minput, right of=sum1] (moutput) of=A-sum1] (A-moutput)  {}; \draw [->] (tinput) -- node{\vphantom{{\footnotesize g}}{\footnotesize context~}} (sum1);  \draw [->] (pinput) (A-pinput)  -- node{{\footnotesize problem}} (sum1); (A-sum1);  \draw [->] (sum1) (A-tinput)  -- node{\vphantom{{\footnotesize g}}{\footnotesize solution}} (moutput);  \end{tikzpicture}  \hspace{1cm}  \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=2cm,>=latex'] context~}} (A-sum1);  % \draw [->] (A-sum1) -- node{\vphantom{{\footnotesize g}}$T^{\star}$} (A-moutput);  \node [sum] (sum1) [sum, right=2.3cm of A-sum1] (B-sum1)  {}; \node [input, name=pinput, above left=.9cm left=.7cm  and .9cm .7cm  of sum1] (pinput) B-sum1] (B-pinput)  {}; \node [input, name=tinput, left of=sum1] (tinput) of=B-sum1] (B-tinput)  {}; \node [input, name=minput, below left of=sum1] (minput) of=B-sum1] (B-minput)  {}; \node [sum, right=1.5cm right=2cm  of sum1] (sum2) B-sum1] (B-sum2)  {}; \node [input, name=minput, right of=sum2] (moutput) of=B-sum2] (B-moutput)  {}; \draw [->] (tinput) (B-pinput)  -- node{\vphantom{{\footnotesize g}}{\footnotesize solution}} (sum1); node{{\footnotesize rationale}} (B-sum1);  \draw [->] (pinput) (A-sum1)  -- node{{\footnotesize rationale}} (sum1); node{\vphantom{{\footnotesize g}}{\footnotesize solution}} (B-sum1);  \draw [->] (sum1) (B-sum1)  -- node{\vphantom{{\footnotesize g}}{\footnotesize pattern}} (sum2); (B-sum2);  \draw [->] (sum2) (B-sum2)  -- node[text width=1.5cm,execute at begin node=\setlength{\baselineskip}{.9ex}]{\footnotesize \emph{resolution\\~of forces}} (moutput); (B-moutput);  \end{tikzpicture}  \endgroup  \end{center}