Rein D. Otsason edited Results and Discussion.tex  about 10 years ago

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\subsection{Shooting Time vs. Distance}  \subsubsection{10m \subsubsection{10 m  to 20m} 20 m}  An F-test was conducted and it was found that the P-value p-value  was greater than the alpha-significance level of 0.05, correlating with equal variances. A paired t-test was conducted because the same set  of people participated at 10 m  and 20m, 20 m,  and the P-value was found to be less than the significance level. The means are therefore unequal, with a  shooting time that  was faster at 20m. The alternate hypothesis was therefore accepted over the null hypothesis. \subsubsection{20m \subsubsection{20 m  to 30m} 30 m}  Using an F-test it was found that the P-value p-value  was greater than the significance level, therfore therefore  the variances within the two data sets were found are assumed  to be equal between  the same. two sets of data.  Participants did not all fire at 20m 20 m  and 30m, 30 m,  therefore a two-sample t-test was used instead of a paired t-test. It was found that the P-value p-value  was greater than the significance level, corresponding with equal means. This means that shooting time was the same at both distances. The result is fail to reject the null hypothesis. \subsubsection{10m \subsubsection{10 m  to 30m} 30 m}  An F-test was conducted and it was found that the P-value p-value  was greater than the alpha-significance significance  level of 0.05, correlating corresponding  with equal variances. Participants did not all fire at 10m and 30m, so a two-sample t-test was used instead of a paired t-test.  It was found that the P-value p-value  was lower than the significance level. The mean at 10m 10 m  was less than the mean at 30m, 30 m,  meaning that shooting time was faster at 10m. 10 m.  Therefore the null hypothesis was rejected in favor of the alternate hypothesis. \subsection{Summary}