Camil Demetrescu  over 8 years ago

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% !TEX root = article.tex  On-Stack Replacement (OSR) is a technique for dynamically transferring execution between different versions of a function. function at run time.  %suspending the execution of a function and continuing with a different version of the code.   OSR is often used in virtual machines to interrupt a long-running function and recompile it at a higher optimization level, or to replace it with a different one when a speculative assumption made during its compilation no longer holds.         

\setlength{\pdfpagewidth}{\paperwidth}  \conferenceinfo{CONF 'yy}{Month d--d, 20yy, City, ST, Country}   \copyrightyear{20yy} \copyrightyear{2015}  \copyrightdata{978-1-nnnn-nnnn-n/yy/mm}   \doi{nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn} 

\title{\input{title}}  %\subtitle{Subtitle Text, if any}  \iffalse  \authorinfo{\anon\ \and \anon}  {\anon} % affil  {\anon} % email  \fi  \authorinfo{Daniele Cono D'Elia \and Camil Demetrescu}  {{\small Dept. of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering\\Sapienza University of Rome}} % affil  {\{demetres,delia\}} % email  \maketitle