Camil Demetrescu  over 8 years ago

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For each benchmark we analyze CPU time performing 10 trials preceded by an initial warm-up iteration; reported confidence intervals are stated at 95\% confidence level.  \subsection{Results}  \label{ss:experim-results}  %We now present the main results of our experimental evaluation, aimed at addressing the following questions:  %\begin{itemize}  %\item {\bf Message 1}: how much does a never-firing OSR point impact code quality? We run a program with one or more OSR points, and we measure the slowdown given by factors such as cache effects (due to code bloat), register pressure, etc. due to the presence of the OSR points.  %\item {\bf Message 2}: what is the overhead of an OSR transition to the same function? We run a program with a controlled OSR transition, e.g., with a counter that fires the OSR. Here we measure the impact of the actual OSR call. We compute for each benchmark: 1) the average time per OSR transition; 2) the number of transferred live variables; 3) the total benchmark time with an always-firing OSR at each iteration of the hottest loop; 4) the total benchmark time with a never-firing OSR at each iteration of the hottest loop (baseline); 5) the number of iterations of the hottest loop (equals the number of OSR transitions).  %\item {\bf Message 3}: what is the overhead of the library for inserting OSR points? We compute for each benchmark the time required by insertOpenOSR (OSR point insertion + stub creation) and insertFinalizedOSR (OSR point insertion + generation of continuation function).  %\end{itemize}  \paragraph{Q1: Impact on Code Quality.}  In order to measure how much a never-firing OSR point might impact code quality, we analyzed the source-code structure of each benchmark and profiled its run-time behavior to identify performance-critical sections for OSR point insertion. The distinction between open and resolved OSR points is nearly irrelevant in this context: we choose to focus on open OSR points, passing {\tt null} as the {\tt val} argument for the stub.  % figure  \ifdefined\noauthorea  \begin{figure}[hb] \begin{figure}[t]  \begin{center}  \includegraphics[width=0.95\columnwidth]{figures/code-quality-noBB/code-quality-noBB.eps}  \caption{\protect\input{figures/code-quality-noBB/caption}} 

% figure  \ifdefined\noauthorea  \begin{figure}[!hb] \begin{figure}[t]  \begin{center}  %\vspace{-0.55cm}  \includegraphics[width=0.95\columnwidth]{figures/code-quality-O1-noBB/code-quality-O1-noBB.eps} 

\end{figure}  \fi  \subsection{Results}  \label{ss:experim-results}  %We now present the main results of our experimental evaluation, aimed at addressing the following questions:  %\begin{itemize}  %\item {\bf Message 1}: how much does a never-firing OSR point impact code quality? We run a program with one or more OSR points, and we measure the slowdown given by factors such as cache effects (due to code bloat), register pressure, etc. due to the presence of the OSR points.  %\item {\bf Message 2}: what is the overhead of an OSR transition to the same function? We run a program with a controlled OSR transition, e.g., with a counter that fires the OSR. Here we measure the impact of the actual OSR call. We compute for each benchmark: 1) the average time per OSR transition; 2) the number of transferred live variables; 3) the total benchmark time with an always-firing OSR at each iteration of the hottest loop; 4) the total benchmark time with a never-firing OSR at each iteration of the hottest loop (baseline); 5) the number of iterations of the hottest loop (equals the number of OSR transitions).  %\item {\bf Message 3}: what is the overhead of the library for inserting OSR points? We compute for each benchmark the time required by insertOpenOSR (OSR point insertion + stub creation) and insertFinalizedOSR (OSR point insertion + generation of continuation function).  %\end{itemize}  \begin{table*}[ht]  \begin{center}  \begin{small} 

\end{table*}  \ifauthorea{\newline}{}  \paragraph{Q1: Impact on Code Quality.}  In order to measure how much a never-firing OSR point might impact code quality, we analyzed the source-code structure of each benchmark and profiled its run-time behavior to identify performance-critical sections for OSR point insertion. The distinction between open and resolved OSR points is nearly irrelevant in this context: we choose to focus on open OSR points, passing {\tt null} as the {\tt val} argument for the stub.  For iterative benchmarks, we insert an OSR point in the body of their hottest loops. We classify a loop as hottest when its body is executed for a very high cumulative number of iterations (e.g., from millions up to billions) and it either calls the method with the highest {\em self} time in the program, or it performs the most computational-intensive operations for the program in its own body.  \ifdefined \fullver  These loops are natural candidates for OSR point insertion: for instance, the Jikes RVM inserts yield points on backward branches to trigger operations such as method recompilation through OSR and thread preemption for garbage collection. In the \shootout\ benchmarks, the number of such loops is typically 1 (2 for {\tt spectral-norm}). 

%, which in other words is the cost of performing a function call passing the live variables as arguments.   Reported numbers are in the order of nanoseconds, and might be negative due to instruction cache effects.  \begin{table}[hb] \paragraph{Q3: OSR Machinery Generation.}  We now discuss the overhead of the \osrkit\ library for inserting OSR machinery in the IR of a function. \mytable\ref{tab:instrTime} reports for each benchmark the number of IR instructions in the instrumented function and the time spent in the IR manipulation. Locations for OSR points are chosen as in   %the experiments about code quality,   Q1, and the target function is a clone of the source function.  For open OSR points, we report the time spent in inserting the OSR point in the function and in generating the stub; both operations do not depend on the size of the function. For resolved OSR points, we report the time spent in inserting the OSR point and in generating the \fosrto\ function.  Not surprisingly, constructing a continuation function takes longer than the other operations (i.e., up to 1 ms vs. 20-40 us), as it involves cloning and manipulating the body of the target function and thus depends on its size: \mytable\ref{tab:instrTime} thus comes with an additional column in which time is normalized against the number of IR instructions in the target.  \begin{table}[t]  \begin{small}  \ifdefined \noauthorea  \begin{adjustbox}{width=1\columnwidth} 

\end{table}  \ifauthorea{\newline}{}  \paragraph{Q3: OSR Machinery Generation.}  We now discuss the overhead of the \osrkit\ library for inserting OSR machinery in the IR of a function. \mytable\ref{tab:instrTime} reports for each benchmark the number of IR instructions in the instrumented function and the time spent in the IR manipulation. Locations for OSR points are chosen as in   %the experiments about code quality,   Q1, and the target function is a clone of the source function.  For open OSR points, we report the time spent in inserting the OSR point in the function and in generating the stub; both operations do not depend on the size of the function. For resolved OSR points, we report the time spent in inserting the OSR point and in generating the \fosrto\ function.  Not surprisingly, constructing a continuation function takes longer than the other operations (i.e., up to 1 ms vs. 20-40 us), as it involves cloning and manipulating the body of the target function and thus depends on its size: \mytable\ref{tab:instrTime} thus comes with an additional column in which time is normalized against the number of IR instructions in the target.  \paragraph{Discussion.}  %Experimental results presented in this section suggest that inserting an OSR point is unlikely to degrade the quality of generated code, and the time required to fire an OSR transition is negligible (i.e., order of nanoseconds). Instrumenting the original IR is cheap, while the cost of generating a continuation function - either when inserting a resolved OSR point, or from the callback method invoked at an open OSR transition - is likely to be dominated by the cost of its compilation. For a front-end, the choice whether to insert an OSR point into a function for dynamic optimization depends on the trade-off between the expected benefits in terms of execution time and the overhead for generating on optimized version of the function and eventually JIT-compiling it; compared to these two operations, the cost of OSR-related operations is negligible. 

%We conclude this section with a discussion on the effectiveness of our optimization technique for McVM. In particular, we analyze its impact on the running time of a few numeric benchmarks, namely {\tt odeEuler}, {\tt odeMidpt}, {\tt odeRK4}, and {\tt sim\_anl}. The first three benchmarks solve an ODE for heat treating simulation using the Euler, midpoint, and Range-Kutta method, respectively\footnote{\url{}}; the last benchmark minimizes the six-hump camelback function with the method of simulated annealing\footnote{\url{}}.  We report the speed-ups enabled by our technique in \mytable\ref{tab:feval}, using the running times for McVM's \feval\ default dispatcher as baseline. As the dispatcher typically JIT-compiles the invoked function, we also analyzed running times when the dispatcher calls a previously compiled function. In the last column, we show speed-ups from a modified version of the benchmarks in which each \feval\ call is replaced by hand with a direct call to the function in use for the specific benchmark.  \begin{table}[hb] Unfortunately, we are unable to compute direct performance metrics for the solution by Lameed and Hendren since its source code has not been released. Figures in their paper~\cite{lameed2013feval} show that for the very same MATLAB programs the speed-up of the OSR-based approach is on average within $30.1\%$ of the speed-up of hand-coded optimization (ranging from $9.2\%$ to $73.9\%$); for the JIT-based approach, the average grows to $84.7\%$ (ranging from $75.7\%$ to $96.5\%$).  Our optimization technique yields speed-ups that are very close to the upper bound given from by-hand optimization; in the {\em worst case} ({\tt odeRK4} benchmark), we observe a $94.1\%$ when the optimized code is generated on the fly, which becomes $97.5\%$ when a cached version is available. Compared to their OSR-based approach, the compensation entry block is a key driver of improved performance, as the benefits from a better type-specialized whole function body outweigh those from performing a direct call using boxed arguments and return values in place of the original \feval.  \begin{table}[t]  \begin{small}  \ifdefined \noauthorea  \begin{adjustbox}{width=1\columnwidth} 

\end{small}  \end{table}  Unfortunately, we are unable to compute direct performance metrics for the solution by Lameed and Hendren since its source code has not been released. Figures in their paper~\cite{lameed2013feval} show that for the very same MATLAB programs the speed-up of the OSR-based approach is on average within $30.1\%$ of the speed-up of hand-coded optimization (ranging from $9.2\%$ to $73.9\%$); for the JIT-based approach, the average grows to $84.7\%$ (ranging from $75.7\%$ to $96.5\%$).  Our optimization technique yields speed-ups that are very close to the upper bound given from by-hand optimization; in the {\em worst case} ({\tt odeRK4} benchmark), we observe a $94.1\%$ when the optimized code is generated on the fly, which becomes $97.5\%$ when a cached version is available. Compared to their OSR-based approach, the compensation entry block is a key driver of improved performance, as the benefits from a better type-specialized whole function body outweigh those from performing a direct call using boxed arguments and return values in place of the original \feval.         

% !TEX root = article.tex  \section{Related Work}  \label{se:related}  \paragraph{Early Approaches.}  %OSR has been pioneered in the SELF language~\cite{holzle1992self} to enable source-level debugging of optimized code, which required deoptimizing the code back to the original version. To reconstruct the source-level state, the compiler generates {\em scope descriptors} recording for each scope the locations or values of its arguments and locals. Execution can be interrupted only at certain interrupt points (i.e., method prologues and backward branches in loops) where its state is guaranteed to be consistent, allowing optimizations between interrupt points. It is worth mentioning also the {\em deferred compilation} mechanism~\cite{chambers1991self} implemented in SELF for branches that are unlikely to occur at run-time: the system generates a stub which invokes the compiler to generate a code object that can reuse the stack frame of the original code.  OSR has been pioneered in the SELF language~\cite{holzle1992self} programming language implementations~\cite{holzle1992self}  to enable source-level debugging of optimized code, which requires deoptimizing the code back to the original version. To reconstruct the source-level state, the compiler generates {\em scope descriptors} recording locations or values of arguments and locals. Execution can be interrupted only at certain interrupt points where its state is guaranteed to be consistent (i.e., method prologues and backward branches in loops), allowing optimizations between interrupt points. \ifdefined \fullver  SELF also implements a deferred compilation mechanism~\cite{chambers1991self} for branches that are unlikely to occur at run-time: the system generates a stub that invokes the compiler to generate a code object that can reuse the stack frame of the original code.  \else 

\ifdefined \fullver  Dynamic Software Updating (DSU) is a methodology for permitting programs to be updated while they run and is thus useful for systems that cannot afford to halt service. DSU techniques (e.g. ~\cite{neamtiu2006dsu,makris2009dsu}) are required to update all functions active on the call stack at the same time, so their code should be instrumented and data types wrapped to support future extensions.  In tracing JIT compilers compilers,  deoptimization techniques are used to safely leave an optimized trace when a guard fails and to continue the execution in the interpreter or with a different piece of code. SPUR~\cite{bebenita2010spur} is a trace-based JIT compiler for Microsoft's Common Intermediate Language (CIL) with four levels of JIT-ting: profiling, tracing, optimizing optimizing,  and transfer-tail; transfer-tail JIT is used to bridge the execution from an instruction in a block from tracing or optimizing mode to the next safe point for deoptimization to profiling code. \else  In tracing JIT compilers deoptimization techniques are used to safely leave an optimized trace when a guard fails. SPUR~\cite{bebenita2010spur} is a trace-based JIT compiler for Microsoft's Common Intermediate Language (CIL) with three levels of JIT-ting plus a transfer-tail JIT used to bridge the execution from an instruction in a block generated at the second or third level to a safe point for deoptimization to the first JIT level.   \fi  In RPython RPython,  guards are implemented as a conditional jump to a trampoline that analyzes resume information for the guard and executes compensation code to leave the trace; resume data is compactly encoded by sharing parts of the data structure between subsequent guards~\cite{schneider2012rpython}. A similar approach is used in LuaJIT, where sparse snapshots are taken to enable state restoration when leaving a trace~\cite{luajit}. % TODO: speculative parallelization? (e.g. FastTrack)