Camil Demetrescu edited overview.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: ced7a529c430fc82dc006c110b89872a091a903e

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\item {\em Abstraction}: the approach is amenable to a clean instrumentation API that abstracts the OSR implementation details, allowing a front-end to focus on where to insert OSR points by analyzing code at an intermediate representation level.  \end{enumerate}  \noindent A natural question is whether encoding OSR at a higher level of abstraction can result in poorer performance than binary code approaches. We address this issue in Section~\ref{se:osr-llvm}, where we analyze the OSR machine code generated for an x86 target, and in Section~\ref{se:experiments}, where OSR-related overheads are OSR performance is  measured on classical benchmarks.