Camil Demetrescu  over 8 years ago

Commit id: c5223b132d413b6866728fad936cd10694daae07

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\subsubsection{Session 2: Performance Figures}  The experiments can be repeated by executing scripts on a selection of the \shootout\ benchmarks~\cite{shootout}. Each benchmark was compiled in {\tt clang} with both {\tt -O0} and {\tt -O1}. For each benchmark {\tt X}, {\tt tinyvm/shootout/X/} contains the unoptimized and optimized ({\tt -O1}) IR code code, each  in two versions: \begin{itemize}[parsep=0pt]  \item {\tt bench} and {\tt bench-O1}: IR code of the benchmark; 

\end{verbatim}  \end{small}  \noindent The experiment duration is $\approx1$m with a time per trial: $\approx5.673$s. The ratio $5.673/5.725=0.990$is reported  for {\tt n-body} is slightly smaller than the one reported  in \ref{fig:code-quality-base}. \ref{fig:code-quality-base} on the Intel Xeon.  The experiment for building \ref{fig:code-quality-O1} uses scripts in {\tt bench-O1} and {\tt codeQuality-O1}. \paragraph{Question Q2.} This experiment assesses the run-time overhead of an OSR transition by measuring the duration of an always-firing OSR execution and of a never-firing OSR execution, and reporting the difference averaged over the number of fired OSRs. The script for this is:  \begin{small}  \begin{verbatim}  tinyvm$ tinyvm shootout/scripts/bench/n-body  \end{verbatim}  \end{small}  \paragraph{Question Q3.}