dcdelia  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 7dc2e90c75c28515dc3e18cd0f7c4e63346819c4

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\subsubsection{Session 2: Performance Figures}  The experiments can be repeated by executing scripts on a selection of the \shootout\ benchmarks~\cite{shootout}. Each benchmark was compiled to LLVM IR using {\tt clang} as described in \mysection\ref{ss:bench-setup}. For each benchmark {\tt X}, {\tt {\small\tt  tinyvm/shootout/X/} contains the unoptimized and optimized ({\tt -O1}) IR code, each in two versions: \begin{itemize}[parsep=0pt]  \item {\tt bench} and {\tt bench-O1}: IR code of the benchmark;         

\subsubsection{Session 3: {\tt feval} optimization in McVM}  McVM is a virtual machine for MATLAB developed at McGill University. As a by-product of our project, we ported it from the LLVM legacy JIT to MCJIT, and later extended it with a new specialization mechanism for {\tt feval} calls. The source code for this version is along with the MATLAB benchmarks listed in \mysection\ref{ss:bench-setup} are  publicly available at \url{https://github.com/dcdelia/mcvm}. %Experiments Experiments  reported in \mytable\ref{tab:feval} can be repeated using a number of scripts provided along with a McVM build in {\small\tt /home/osrkit/Desktop/mcvm/}. Pre-requirements for McVM compilation are header files for a number of scientific libraries (ATLAS, BLAS, and LAPACKE) and the Boehm garbage collector, which can be built automatically using the script {\tt bootstrap.sh} provided in the repository.  For each benchmark {\tt X}, {\small\tt benchmarks/scripts/} contains three MATLAB scripts to use as input for {\tt mcvm}:  \begin{itemize}[parsep=0pt]  \item {\tt base/X}: single run of original code (i.e., {\tt feval}-based);  \item {\tt direct/X}: single run of code optimized by hand (i.e., with direct calls);  \item {\tt many/X}: multiple runs of original code (for code caching).  \end{itemize}  \noindent We manually collected figures from the console output and computed speedups for the different settings. We show how to run the code using {\tt odeEuler} as an example. The platform used to obtain reported numbers is the same as in session 2.  To determine a baseline for speedup computation, we let {\tt mcvm} perform a single run of the original code with no {\tt feval} optimization. Note that we can selectively enable or disable {\tt feval} optimization using the {\tt -jit\_feval\_opt} flag:  \begin{small}  \begin{verbatim}  $ cd ~/Desktop/mcvm  $ ./mcvm -jit_feval_opt false <  benchmarks/scripts/base/odeEuler  ***********************************************  McVM - The McLab Virtual Machine v1.0   Visit http://www.sable.mcgill.ca for more info.  ***********************************************  >: >: Compiling function: "testSH"  Compiling function: "odeEuler"  Compiling function: "testSHfun"  Compiling function: "rhsSteelHeat"  Compiling function: "testSHfun"  Compiling function: "rhsSteelHeat"  [TOC] Elapsed time: 32.552112 seconds  t y_Euler  0.0000 1.000000  80.0000 679.644212  \end{verbatim}  \end{small}