Camil Demetrescu  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 7388fed07ff44c60a45075f66ef07ff4f3988457

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\subsubsection{Session 2: Performance Figures}  The experiments can be repeated by executing scripts on a selection of the \shootout\ benchmarks~\cite{shootout}. Each benchmark was compiled in {\tt clang} with both {\tt -O0} and {\tt -O1}. For each benchmark {\tt X},the directory  {\tt tinyvm/shootout/X/} contains: contains the unoptimized and optimized ({\tt -O1}) IR code:  \begin{itemize}[parsep=0pt]  \item {\tt C}: C bench}: IR  code of the benchmark;  \item {\tt bench.ll}: baseline codeQuality}:  IR code ({\tt -O0}) with the hottest loop instrumented with a never-firing OSR;  \item {\tt bench-O1.ll}: baseline finalAlwaysFire}:  IR code ({\tt -O1}) with the hottest loop instrumented with an always-firing OSR.  \end{itemize}  \noindent Each experiment runs a warm-up phase followed by  10 identical trials. We manually collected the figures from the console output and analyzed them, computing confidence intervals, etc. We show how to run the code using {\tt fasta} as an example. For slow steps, we report the time required on our test platform (\mysection\ref{ss:bench-setup}).  \paragraph{Baseline.} The first step consists in generating figures for the baseline (uninstrumented)  version of each benchmark. benchmark:  \begin{small}  \begin{verbatim}  tinyvm$ tinyvm shootout/scripts/bench/fasta  \end{verbatim}  \end{small}  \noindent Experiment duration $\approx1:30$ sec. Time per trial: $\approx9$ sec.  \paragraph{Question Q1.} The purpose of the experiment is assessing the impact on code quality due to the presence of OSR points.         

\ifauthorea{\newline}{}  \subsection{Benchmarks and Setup}  \label{ss:bench-setup}  We address questions Q1-Q3 by analyzing the performance of \osrkit\ on a selection of the \shootout\ benchmarks~\cite{shootout} running in a proof-of-concept virtual machine we developed in LLVM. In particular, we focus on single-threaded benchmarks that do not rely on external libraries to perform their core computations. Benchmarks and their description are reported in \mytable\ref{tab:shootout}; four of them ({\tt b-trees}, {\tt mbrot}, {\tt n-body} and {\tt sp-norm}) are evaluated against two workloads of different size.  %In this section we present a preliminar experimental study of our OSR implementation in TinyVM. Our experiments are based on the \shootout\ test suite, also known as the Computer Language Benchmark Game~\cite{shootout}. In particular, we focus on single-threaded benchmarks that do not rely on external libraries to perform their core computations.