Camil Demetrescu  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 47fbcd1627389129871498c68ae618375dfd846a

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%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  %  % Template for sigplanconf LaTeX Class  %  % Name: sigplanconf-template.tex  %  % Purpose: A template for sigplanconf.cls, which is a LaTeX 2e class  % file for SIGPLAN conference proceedings.  %  % Guide: Refer to "Author's Guide to the ACM SIGPLAN Class,"  % sigplanconf-guide.pdf  %  % Author: Paul C. Anagnostopoulos  % Windfall Software  % 978 371-2316  % [email protected]  %  % Created: 15 February 2005  %  %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  \documentclass[10pt]{sigplanconf}  % The following \documentclass options may be useful:  % preprint Remove this option only once the paper is in final form.  % 10pt To set in 10-point type instead of 9-point.  % 11pt To set in 11-point type instead of 9-point.  % authoryear To obtain author/year citation style instead of numeric.  \usepackage{amsmath}  \newcommand{\noauthorea}{}  \input{header}  \newcommand{\url}[1]{}  \begin{document}  \special{papersize=8.5in,11in}  \setlength{\pdfpageheight}{\paperheight}  \setlength{\pdfpagewidth}{\paperwidth}  \conferenceinfo{CONF 'yy}{Month d--d, 20yy, City, ST, Country}   \copyrightyear{20yy}   \copyrightdata{978-1-nnnn-nnnn-n/yy/mm}   \doi{nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn}  % Uncomment one of the following two, if you are not going for the   % traditional copyright transfer agreement.  %\exclusivelicense % ACM gets exclusive license to publish,   % you retain copyright  %\permissiontopublish % ACM gets nonexclusive license to publish  % (paid open-access papers,   % short abstracts)  \titlebanner{banner above paper title} % These are ignored unless  \preprintfooter{short description of paper} % 'preprint' option specified.  \newcommand{\anon}{$\bullet\bullet\bullet\bullet\bullet$}  \title{\input{title}}  %\subtitle{Subtitle Text, if any}  \authorinfo{\anon\ \and \anon}  {\anon} % affil  {\anon} % email  \maketitle  \begin{abstract}  \input{abstract}  \end{abstract}  \category{CR-number}{subcategory}{third-level}  % general terms are not compulsory anymore,   % you may leave them out  \terms  term1, term2  \keywords  keyword1, keyword2  \input{intro}  \input{approach}  \input{case-study}  \input{experim}  \input{related}  \input{conclusions}  %\appendix  %\section{Appendix Title}  %This is the text of the appendix, if you need one.  %\acks  %Acknowledgments, if needed.  % We recommend abbrvnat bibliography style.  \bibliographystyle{abbrvnat}  %\bibliographystyle{plain}  \bibliography{bibliography/biblio.bib}  \end{document}  % Revision History  % -------- -------  % Date Person Ver. Change  % ---- ------ ---- ------  % 2013.06.29 TU 0.1--4 comments on permission/copyright notices         

location = {Rome, Italy},  pages = {224--243},  numpages = {20},  url = {}, {\_12},  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-37051-9_12}, {10.1007/978-3-642-37051-9\_12},  acmid = {2450266},  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, 

location = {Paphos, Cyprus},  pages = {46--65},  numpages = {20},  url = {}, {\_4},  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-11970-5_4}, {10.1007/978-3-642-11970-5\_4},  acmid = {2175468},  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, 

location = {Lyon, France},  pages = {698--710},  numpages = {13},  url = {}, {\_48},  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-05118-0_48}, {10.1007/978-3-642-05118-0\_48},  acmid = {1693614},  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, 

author={Chambers, Craig},  year={1992},  school={Stanford University},  url={} url={\&rep=rep1\&type=pdf}  }