Daniele Cono D'Elia edited case-study.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 451559320b8e44c9c083c934bcdae5b3751152ce

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\begin{enumerate}  \item An analysis pass to identify optimization opportunities for \feval\ instructions in the IIR of a function  \item An extension for the IIR compiler to track the correspondence between IIR and IR objects at \feval\ sites  \item An inserter component to insert open  OSR points in the IR for IIR locations annotated during the analysis pass \item An optimizer module triggered at OSR points, which in turn is made of:  \ifdefined \noauthorea  \begin{enumerate}[noitemsep] 

We integrated our analysis pass in McVM's analysis manager. In particular, we group \feval\ instructions whose first argument is reached by the same definition, and for each group we mark for instrumentation only instructions not dominated by others, so that the function can be optimized as early as possible at run-time. The analysis pass is also able to determine whether the value of the argument can change across two executions of the same \feval\ instruction, thus discriminating when a run-time guard must be inserted during the run-time optimization phase.  When the IIR compiler processes an annotated \feval\ instruction, it stores in the metadata keeps track  of thefunction version being compiled the  current variable map (i.e., a map between IIR and IR objects), the {\tt llvm::BasicBlock*} created for the \feval\ and the {\tt llvm::Value*} object corresponding to for  the first argument for of  the \feval. The last two objects are used by the inserter component as source label basic block  and {\tt val} argument for inserting an the  open OSR point. The open-OSR stub will in turn invoke stub, which invokes  thecallback  optimizer component we are about to present. \newcommand{\gbase}{$g$}  \newcommand{\gOpt}{$g_{opt}$}