Camil Demetrescu  over 8 years ago

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\documentclass{sigplanconf}  \usepackage{url}  \newcommand{\osrkit}{{\sf OSRKit}}  \newcommand{\tinyvm}{{\sf TinyVM}}  \begin{document}  \special{papersize=8.5in,11in}  \input{artifact}  \end{document}         

% !TEX root = ../article.tex  % LaTeX template for Artifact Evaluation V20151015  %  % Prepared by Grigori Fursin (cTuning foundation, France and dividiti, UK)  

%  % (C)opyright 2014-2015  \documentclass{sigplanconf}  \usepackage{url}  \newcommand{\osrkit}{{\sf OSRKit}}  \newcommand{\tinyvm}{{\sf TinyVM}}  \begin{document}  \special{papersize=8.5in,11in}  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  % When adding this appendix to your paper,  

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \subsection{Abstract}  \osrkit\ is a library that enables On-Stack Replacement (OSR) at arbitrary places in LLVM IR code. This The  artifact supports exploring how \osrkit\ can instrument IR code to support OSR transitions in the LLVM MCJIT runtime environment. A running example is presented based on the \texttt{isord} case study discussed in Section 3 of the companion paper. 3.  We also support repeating experiments Q1, Q2, and Q3 presented in Section 5. The artifact includes an interactive shell called \texttt{tinyvm} for loading, inspecting, instrumenting, and executing IR code. It  is based on distributed as  a preconfigured Oracle VirtualBox VM. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \subsection{Experiment workflow}  We propose two usage sessions. In the first session, we show how to generate and instrument an LLVM IR code based on the \texttt{isord} example presented in Section 3 of the paper. The second session focuses on how to run the scripts used to generate the performance tables of Section 5 related to questions Q1, Q2, and Q3. Question Q4 is based on additional third-party software (the MATLAB McVM runtime) and is not addressed in this the  artifact. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \subsection{Evaluation and expected result}  The main component of the artifact is the interactive shell {\tt tinyvm} built on top of the LLVM MCJIT runtime environment and the \osrkit\ library. The shell supports loading, inspecting, instrumenting, and executing IR code.  \subsubsection{Session 1: OSR instrumentation in \osrkit}  \subsubsection{Session 2: Performance Figures} The experiments can be repeated by executing the scripts in {\tt tinyvm/shootout/scripts}.  \paragraph{Question Q1.} The purpose of the experiment is assessing the impact on code quality due to the presence of OSR points in the code by measuring how .  %[Q2] What is the run-time overhead of an OSR transition, for instance to a clone of the running function?  %[Q3] What is the overhead of \osrkit\ for inserting OSR points and creating a stub or a continuation function?  %[Q4] What kind of benefits can we expect by using OSR in a production environment based on LLVM?  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  %\subsection{Notes} 

% please remove below part  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \end{document}