Camil Demetrescu edit  over 8 years ago

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Once a state mapping object has been constructed, the optimizer calls our OSR library to generate the continuation function for the OSR transition and eventually compiles it.  A pointer to the compiled function is stored in the code cache and returned to the stub, which invokes it through an indirect call passing the live state saved at the OSR point.  \else  \noindent Once a state mapping has been constructed, the optimizer asks \osrkit\ to generate the continuation function for the OSR transition and eventually then  executes it. \fi  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%         

\item[Q4] What kind of benefits can we expect by using OSR in a production environment based on LLVM?  \end{description}  \subsection{Benchmarks and Setup}  We address questions Q1-Q3 by analyzing the performance of \osrkit\ on a selection of the \shootout\ benchmarks~\cite{shootout} running in a proof-of-concept virtual machine we developed in LLVM. In particular, we focus on single-threaded benchmarks that do not rely on external libraries to perform their core computations. Benchmarks and their description are reported in \mytable\ref{tab:shootout}; four of them ({\tt b-trees}, {\tt mbrot}, {\tt n-body} and {\tt sp-norm}) are evaluated against two workloads of different size.  %In this section we present a preliminar experimental study of our OSR implementation in TinyVM. Our experiments are based on the \shootout\ test suite, also known as the Computer Language Benchmark Game~\cite{shootout}. In particular, we focus on single-threaded benchmarks that do not rely on external libraries to perform their core computations.  %, a proof-of-concept virtual machine based on LLVM's JIT compiler MCJIT. TinyVM supports interactive invocations of functions and it can compile LLVM IR either generated at run-time or loaded from disk. The main design goal behind TinyVM is the creation of an interactive environment for IR manipulation and JIT-compilation of functions: for instance, it allows the user to insert OSR points in loaded functions, run optimization passes on them or display their CFGs, repeatedly invoke a function for a specified amount of times and so on. TinyVM supports dynamic library loading and linking, and comes with a helper component for MCJIT that simplifies tasks such as handling multiple IR modules, symbol resolution in presence of multiple versions of a function, and tracking native code and other machine-level generated object such as Stackmaps.  %TinyVM is thus an ideal playground to exercise our OSR technique, and we use it to run performance measurements on the shootout test suite, also known as the Computer Language Benchmark Game~\cite{shootout}.   %At the end of the section, we show experimental results for the case study presented in \mysection\ref{se:case-study}.  \begin{table}[hb] \begin{table}[b]  \begin{center}  \begin{small}  \ifdefined \noauthorea 

\caption{\label{tab:shootout} Description of the \shootout\ benchmarks.}   \end{table}  %We generated the IR modules for our experiments with {\tt clang}, starting from the C version of the \shootout\ suite. In the version of the code we will refer to as {\em unoptimized}, no LLVM optimization passes were performed on the code other than {\em mem2reg}, which promotes memory references to register references and constructs the SSA (Static Single Assignment) form. Starting from this version, we then generate an {\em optimized} version performing using the LLVM IR optimizer {\tt opt} at {\tt -O1} optimization level.  \ifauthorea{\newline}{}  \subsection{Benchmarks and Setup}  We address questions Q1-Q3 by analyzing the performance of \osrkit\ on a selection of the \shootout\ benchmarks~\cite{shootout} running in a proof-of-concept virtual machine we developed in LLVM. In particular, we focus on single-threaded benchmarks that do not rely on external libraries to perform their core computations. Benchmarks and their description are reported in \mytable\ref{tab:shootout}; four of them ({\tt b-trees}, {\tt mbrot}, {\tt n-body} and {\tt sp-norm}) are evaluated against two workloads of different size.  %In this section we present a preliminar experimental study of our OSR implementation in TinyVM. Our experiments are based on the \shootout\ test suite, also known as the Computer Language Benchmark Game~\cite{shootout}. In particular, we focus on single-threaded benchmarks that do not rely on external libraries to perform their core computations.  %, a proof-of-concept virtual machine based on LLVM's JIT compiler MCJIT. TinyVM supports interactive invocations of functions and it can compile LLVM IR either generated at run-time or loaded from disk. The main design goal behind TinyVM is the creation of an interactive environment for IR manipulation and JIT-compilation of functions: for instance, it allows the user to insert OSR points in loaded functions, run optimization passes on them or display their CFGs, repeatedly invoke a function for a specified amount of times and so on. TinyVM supports dynamic library loading and linking, and comes with a helper component for MCJIT that simplifies tasks such as handling multiple IR modules, symbol resolution in presence of multiple versions of a function, and tracking native code and other machine-level generated object such as Stackmaps.  %TinyVM is thus an ideal playground to exercise our OSR technique, and we use it to run performance measurements on the shootout test suite, also known as the Computer Language Benchmark Game~\cite{shootout}.   %At the end of the section, we show experimental results for the case study presented in \mysection\ref{se:case-study}.  %We generated the IR modules for our experiments with {\tt clang}, starting from the C version of the \shootout\ suite. In the version of the code we will refer to as {\em unoptimized}, no LLVM optimization passes were performed on the code other than {\em mem2reg}, which promotes memory references to register references and constructs the SSA (Static Single Assignment) form. Starting from this version, we then generate an {\em optimized} version performing using the LLVM IR optimizer {\tt opt} at {\tt -O1} optimization level.  \noindent We generate the IR modules for our experiments with {\tt clang} starting from the C version of the \shootout\ suite. To cover scenarios where OSR machinery is inserted in programs with different optimization levels, we consider two versions: 1) {\em unoptimized}, where the only LLVM optimization we perform is {\tt mem2reg} to promote stack references to registers and construct the SSA form; 2) {\em optimized}, where we apply {\tt opt} {\tt -O1} to the unoptimized version.  %In the version of the code we will refer to as {\em unoptimized}, the only LLVM optimization pass we perform is {\tt mem2reg}, which promotes stack references to registers and constructs the SSA form. 

%For {\tt b-trees} - the only benchmark showing a recursive pattern - we insert an OSR point in the body of the method that accounts for the largest {\em self} execution time of the program. Such an OSR point might be useful to trigger recompilation of the code at a higher degree of optimization, or to enable some form of dynamic optimization (for instance, in a recursive search algorithm we might want to inline the comparator method provided by the user at the call).  Results for the unoptimized and optimized versions of the benchmarks are reported in \myfigure\ref{fig:code-quality-base} and \myfigure\ref{fig:code-quality-O1}, respectively. For both scenarios we observe that the overhead is very small, i.e. less than $1\%$ for most benchmarks and less than $2\%$ in the worst case. For some benchmarks, code might run slightly faster after OSR point insertion due to instruction cache effects.  %We analyzed the code produced by the x86-64 back-end: the OSR machinery is lowered into three native instructions that load a counter in a register, compare it against a constant value and jump to the OSR block accordingly.  The number of times the OSR condition is checked for each benchmark is   %the same as in the experiments   reported in \mytable\ref{tab:sameFun}.  % figure  \ifdefined\noauthorea  \begin{figure}[bh] \begin{figure}[t]  \begin{center}  \includegraphics[width=0.95\columnwidth]{figures/code-quality-noBB/code-quality-noBB.eps}  \caption{\protect\input{figures/code-quality-noBB/caption}} 

% figure  \ifdefined\noauthorea  \begin{figure}[bh] \begin{figure}[t]  \begin{center}  %\vspace{-0.55cm}  \includegraphics[width=0.95\columnwidth]{figures/code-quality-O1-noBB/code-quality-O1-noBB.eps} 

\end{figure}  \fi  Results for the unoptimized and optimized versions of the benchmarks are reported in \myfigure\ref{fig:code-quality-base} and \myfigure\ref{fig:code-quality-O1}, respectively. For both scenarios we observe that the overhead is very small, i.e. less than $1\%$ for most benchmarks and less than $2\%$ in the worst case. For some benchmarks, code might run slightly faster after OSR point insertion due to instruction cache effects.  %We analyzed the code produced by the x86-64 back-end: the OSR machinery is lowered into three native instructions that load a counter in a register, compare it against a constant value and jump to the OSR block accordingly.  The number of times the OSR condition is checked for each benchmark is   %the same as in the experiments   reported in \mytable\ref{tab:sameFun}.  \paragraph{Q2: Overhead of OSR Transitions.}  \mytable\ref{tab:sameFun} reports estimates of the average cost of performing an OSR transition to a clone of the running function. For each benchmark we compute the time difference between the scenarios in which an always-firing and a never-firing resolved OSR point is inserted in the code, respectively; we then normalize this difference against the number of fired OSR transitions. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to compute direct performance metrics for the solution by Lameed and Hendren since its source code has not been released. Figures in their paper~\cite{lameed2013feval} show that for the very same MATLAB programs the speed-up of the OSR-based approach is on average within $30.1\%$ of the speed-up of hand-coded optimization (ranging from $9.2\%$ to $73.9\%$); for the JIT-based approach, the average grows to $84.7\%$ (ranging from $75.7\%$ to $96.5\%$).  \noindent  Our optimization technique yields speed-ups that are very close to the upper bound given from by-hand optimization; in the {\em worst case} ({\tt odeRK4} benchmark), we observe a $94.1\%$ when the optimized code is generated on the fly, which becomes $97.5\%$ when a cached version is available. Compared to their OSR-based approach, the compensation entry block is a key driver of improved performance, as the benefits from a better type-specialized whole function body outweigh those from performing a direct call using boxed arguments and return values in place of the original \feval.        

Our implementation targets two general scenarios: 1) {\em resolved OSR}: \fvariant\ is known before executing \fbase\ as in the deoptimization example discussed above; 2) {\em open OSR}: \fvariant\ is generated when the OSR is fired, supporting deferred and profile-guided compilation strategies. In both cases, \fbase\ is instrumented before its execution to incorporate the OSR machinery. We call such OSR-instrumented version \fosrfrom.  In the resolved OSR scenario (see \myfigure\ref{fi:overview-osr-final}), instrumentation consists of adding a check of the OSR condition and, if it is satisfied, a tail call that fires the OSR. The called function is an instrumented version of \fvariant, which we call \fosrto. We refer to \fosrto\ as the {\em continuation function} for an OSR transition.  The assumption is that \fosrto\ produces the same side-effects and return value that one would obtain by \fbase\ if no OSR was performed. Differently from \fvariant, \fosrto\ takes as input all live variables of \fbase\ at \osrpoint, executes an optional compensation code to fix the computation state ({\tt comp\_code}), and then jumps to a point \textsf{L'} from which execution can continue. The OSR practice often makes the conservative assumption that execution can always continue with the very same program state as the base function. However, this assumption may reduce the number of %safe  points where OSR transitions can be fired. Supporting compensation code in our framework adds flexibility, allowing OSR transitions to happen at arbitrary places in the base function.