Stella Offner edited Introduction.tex  almost 10 years ago

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\section{Introduction} Young protostars are observed to launch energetic collimated bipolar mass outflows \citep{frank14}. These protostellar outflows play a fundamental role in the star formation process on a variety of scales. On sub-pc scales they entrain and unbind core gas, thus setting the efficiency at which dense gas turns into stars \citep{matzner99,alves07,machida13,Offner14}. Interaction between outflows and infalling material may regulate protostellar accretion and, ultimately, terminate it \citep{}. On sub-pc up to cloud scales, outflows inject substantial energy into their surroundings, potentially providing a means of sustaining cloud turbulence over multiple dynamical times\citep{nakamura07,carroll09, wang10,arce10,nakamura11,hansen11,nakamura14}.  The origin of outflows is attributed to the presence of magnetic fields, and a variety of different models have been proposed to explain the launching mechanism (e.g., \citealt{arce07}). Of these, the ``disk-wind" model \citep{blandford82,pelletier92}, in which the gas is centrifugally accelerated from the accretion disk surface, and the ``X-wind" model \citep{shu88}, in which gas is accelerated along tightly wound field lines, are most commonly invoked to explain observed outflow signatures. However, investigating the launching mechanism is challenging because launching occurs on scales of a few stellar radii and during times when the protostar is heavily extincted by its natal gas. Consequently, separating outflow gas from accreting core gas, discriminating between models, and determining fundamental outflow properties are nontrivial.  Three main approaches have been applied to studying outflows. First, single-dish molecular line observations have been successful in mapping the extent of outflows and their kinematics on core to cloud scales (e.g., \citealt{bourke97,arce10,dunham14}. However, outflow gas with velocities comparable to the cloud turbulent velocity can only be extracted with additional assumptions and modeling (e.g., \citet{arce01b,dunham14}), which are difficult to apply to confused, clustered star forming environments \citep{plunkett13}. Second, interferometry provide a means of mapping outflows down to 1,000 AU scales scales \citep{arce06,plunkett13}, and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submilllimeter Antenna (ALMA) is extending these limits down to sub-AU scales \citep{arce13,lee14}. However, interferometry is not suitable for producing large high-resolution maps and it resolves out larger scale structure. Consequently, it is difficult to assemble a complete and multi-scale picture of outflow properties with these observations. Finally, numerical simulations provide a complementary approach that supplies three-dimensional predictions for launching, entrainment and energy injection \citep{machida13,siefried13,Offner14}.   The most promising avenue for understanding outflows lies at the intersection of numerical modeling and observations. By performing synthetic observations to model molecular and atomic lines, continuum, and observational effects, simulations can be mapped into the observational domain where they can be compared directly to observations (e.g.,\citep{Offner11,Offner12b,Mairs13}). Such direct comparisons are important for assessing the ``reality" of the simulations, to interpret observational data and to assess observational uncertainties \citep{goodman11}. In addition to observational instrument limitations, chemistry and radiative transfer introduce additional uncertainties that are difficult to quantify without realistic models (e.g., \citealt{beaumont13}).  Synthetic observations have previously been performed in the context of understanding outflow opening angles \citep{Offner11}, observed morphology \citep{peters13}, and impact on spectral energy distributions \citep{Offner12a}.  %However, numerical simulations may inhabit a very different parameter space from the observational data. The most promising means of investigation involves producing synthetic observations of the numerical data.  %Henceforth we use outflow and jet interchangeably.  The immanent completion of ALMA provides further motivation for predictive synthetic observations. Although ALMA will have unprecedented sensitivity and resolution compared to existing instruments, by nature interferometry resolves out large-scale structure and different configurations will be sensitive to different scales. Atmospheric noise and total observing time may also effect the fidelity of the data. Previous synthetic observations performed by \citet{Offner12b} suggest that the superior resolution of full ALMA and the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) will be able to resolve core structure and fragmentation prior to binary formation. \citet{peters13} predicts that ALMA will be able to resolve complex outflow velocity structure and helical structure in molecular emission.  In this paper we seek to quantify the accuracy of different ALMA configurations in recovering fundamental gas properties such as mass, line-of-sight momentum, and energy. We use the {\sc casa} software package to synthetically observe protostellar outflows in the radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of \citet{Offner14}. By modeling the emission at different times, inclinations, molecular lines, and observing configurations we evaluate how well physical quantities can be measured in the star formation process. In section \S{Methods} we describe our methods for modeling and observing outflows. In section \S{CASA} we evaluate the effects of different observational parameters on bulk quantities. We discuss results in \S{} and summarize conclusions in \S\ref{Conclusions}.