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The goal of the thesis is to compare the growth vs current mass of local group galaxies with distant ones. The following progress has been made. This report will also cover progress made last term (this work was then registered with the astronomy department).  \subsection{\bf{Distant galaxies}} \subsection{\bf{Data}}  The early part of the projectconsisted of understanding the data we would use for the growth vs mass of distant galaxies. This data was presented in Tomczak et al 2014 \cite{Tomczak_2014}. We made various graphs to better understand how the growth rate  was affected dominated  by whether the galaxy was quiescent or star forming. We checked their use of Schechter and Double Schechter functions, before paramaterising the Schechter function trying  to smooth understand  the relationship and ensure data  that the number density at a specific mass increased monotonically as z approached 0 \cite{Leja_2015}. With this done, graphs showing the change in mass over time between Z = 3 and Z = 0 were constructed for various start masses. would be used.  The only correction so far applied to this data concerns mergers. The local group main  data is based on set used for distant  galaxies that have not undergone mergers \textbf{is this true} and so was presented in \cite{Tomczak_2014}. We made various graphs  to compare these data sets, better understand how  the effects of mergers must be removed from this data set. To do this, growth rate was affected by whether  the method described in \cite{Gomez_2015} has been used. Supporting material consisting galaxy was quiescent or star forming. We checked their use  of Schechter and Double Schechter functions, before paramaterising the Schechter function to smooth the relationship and ensure that the number density at a specific mass increased monotonically as z approached 0 \cite{Leja_2015}. With this done,  graphs showing expected merger rates at various the change in  mass ratios over time between Z = 3  and redshifts has also been prepared. Z = 0 were constructed for various start masses.  \subsection{\bf{Local galaxies}} A second distant galaxy data set was also introduced later in the project. This data, taken from \cite{Whitaker_2014} was used to confirm that the results were reasonable and backed up by other data. Again, a paramaterisation rather that raw data was used.  The local group dwarf data was taken from \cite{Weisz_2014}. As with the other data sets, the first uses of this data were to help my understanding. Graphs showing the percentage of mass over time of the galaxies were plotted.  \subsection{\bf{Analysis}}  The only correction so far applied to this distant galaxy data concerns mergers. The local group data is based on galaxies that have not undergone mergers \textbf{is this true} and so to compare these data sets, the effects of mergers must be removed from this data set. To do this, the method described in \cite{Gomez_2015} has been used. Supporting material consisting of graphs showing expected merger rates at various mass ratios and redshifts has also been prepared.  The major analysis of the local group data was to do with the error bars reported by \cite{Weisz_2014}. These errors follow the conventions specified in \cite{Dolphin_2012} for systematic uncertainties and \cite{Dolphin_2013} for random. However, these uncertainties are extremely conservative and so instead we use the same convention as in \cite{Weisz_2014} which conservatively a relative uncertainty of 50%.