Alejo Salles edited section_Introduction_Chagas_is_a__.tex  almost 8 years ago

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\section{Introduction}  Chagas Chagas' disease  is aglobal  tropical parasiticdisease mostly  epidemic of global reach, spread mostly across  Latin America. WHO \ref{} estimate The World Health Organization (WHO \ref{}) estimates  more than six million infected people worldwide. Most transmissions occurs occur  in the Americas via the \textit{Trypanosoma cruzi} parasite, vector-borne by the \textit{Triatomine} insect family. Other relevant routes of transmission include blood transfusion and congenital transmission, estimating with an estimated  1300 newborns infected each year \ref{trabajos_de_}.\begin{comment} en el drive estan las ppt del min salud \end{comment}. Enduring chronically in the infected individual, Chagas Chagas' disease  can last years without being detected. This in turn reduces the chance of effective treatment andthe  tracking of infected individuals. The spatial Spatial  dissemination of a congenitally transmitted disease offsets sidesteps  the available measures to control monitor  risk groups and groups,  slowly introduce introducing  the disease to infection in  the general population. Long-term human mobility plays a key role in this process. In Argentina Argentina,  vector control campaigns campaings  have been ongoing the main epidemic counter-measure  for more than thirty years as the main epidemic counter-measure. years. The  \textit{Gran Chaco}, situated in the northern part of the country country,  is home to most of the infected triatomines. The ecoregion's poor  socio-demographic conditions aids further supports  the parasite's lifecycle. Domestic human, Human,  bug and animal domestic  interactions preserve foster  the continuous development appearance  of new infection cases, specially in particularly among  the poorer poorest.    The dynamic interaction of the triatomine infested areas and the with  human mobility patterns present a difficult scenario to track down individuals or spots with high prevalence of infected people orhigh  transmission risk. Available methods of surveying the state of the Chagas Chagas'  disease in Argentina nowadays are limited to individual screenings of individuals. To the best of our knowledge the work described here is the first attempt to use Here, we aim at using  mobile phone data in order  to understand Chagas' epidemic spatial structure.\begin{comment} Existe una forma de decir esto de manera correcta.. o asi les parece bien? \end{comment}  Recent national estimates indicate that there exist at least one million people carrying the parasite parasite,  with more than seven million exposed. Experts \begin{comment} aca como referencio a Diego Weinberg y Mundo Sano? \end{comment} underline the current difficulties faced by the national health systems systems,  where on average, average  only two thousand people are treated yearly for Chagas Chagas' disease.  \begin{comment} aca nuevamente esta referencia es de MS \end{comment}. There exist different approaches in the literature making that  useof  mobile phone  data applied to study  epidemiological or health problems. \begin{comment} La siguiente info la saco de aqui \end{comment} Amy Wesolowski et al \ref{Wesolowski} quantify the impact of human mobility on Malaria disease movement in Kenya with through  disease prevalence information; Tizzoni et al \ref{Tizzoni} compare theoretical mobility models, models studied with CDRs Call Detail Records (CDRs),  and mobility census data to infer Other works directly work on CDRs to characterize human mobility. Inferences patterns of daily flow   \footnote{A complete survey of mobile traffic analysis articles may be found in Fiore, Naboulsi, Ribot & Stanica's work \ref{mobile_survey} }are explored in sarraut 

su edad y gĂ©nero, etc.  Here we explore the use CDRs to predict population movements between the \textit{Gran Chaco} ecoregion to the rest of the country. country, thus providing a proxy for the epidemic spread.  Data is timestamped and geolocalizated by the position of the antenna used to place the call. Privacy isalso  ensured by identifying users by their hashed ID. \begin{comment}el tema de la privacidad es siempre tan importante que lo pongo aca... haria falta agregar que no tenemos acceso a las claves de encriptacion. \end{comment} Public health policy and epidemiological interventions could greatly benefit from the study of long-term national mobility patterns. Characterization of human movements to and from the ecoregion is key to the problem of targetting infected individuals at a national scale. To the best of our knowledge, data on the subject is vastly lacking, inexistent or hardly accesible to researchers.