Daniel Stanley Tan edited bibliography/biblio.bib  about 8 years ago

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@inproceedings{ankerst1999optics,  title={OPTICS: ordering points to identify the clustering structure},  author={Ankerst, Mihael and Breunig, Markus M and Kriegel, Hans-Peter and Sander, J{\"o}rg},  booktitle={ACM Sigmod Record},  volume={28},  number={2},  pages={49--60},  year={1999},  organization={ACM}  }  @inproceedings{ester1996density,  title={A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise.},  author={Ester, Martin and Kriegel, Hans-Peter and Sander, J{\"o}rg and Xu, Xiaowei},  booktitle={Kdd},  volume={96},  number={34},  pages={226--231},  year={1996}  }  @inproceedings{zhang1996birch,  title={BIRCH: an efficient data clustering method for very large databases},  author={Zhang, Tian and Ramakrishnan, Raghu and Livny, Miron},  booktitle={ACM Sigmod Record},  volume={25},  number={2},  pages={103--114},  year={1996},  organization={ACM}  }  @article{dempster1977maximum,  title={Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm},  author={Dempster, Arthur P and Laird, Nan M and Rubin, Donald B},  journal={Journal of the royal statistical society. Series B (methodological)},  pages={1--38},  year={1977},  publisher={JSTOR}  }  @book{dunteman1989principal,  title={Principal components analysis},  author={Dunteman, George H},  volume={69},  year={1989},  publisher={Sage}  }  @article{kruskal1964multidimensional,  title={Multidimensional scaling by optimizing goodness of fit to a nonmetric hypothesis},  author={Kruskal, Joseph B},  journal={Psychometrika},  volume={29},  number={1},  pages={1--27},  year={1964},  publisher={Springer}  }