  author = {R. Liouville and G. Bernoulli},
  title = {{On the Positivity of Conditionally Closed, Right-Simply Contravariant Scalars}},
  journal = {{J}ournal of Numerical Geometry},
  month = {aug},
  year = {1993},
  volume = {6},
  pages = {152--191},

  author = {Q. Smith},
  title = {{${\ell}$-Multiply Contra-One-to-One Paths over Semi-Almost Everywhere Negative Isomorphisms}},
  journal = {{J}ournal of Homological Model Theory},
  month = {sep},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {7},
  pages = {1408--1423},

  author = {Q. Tate and L. Garcia and G. Banach},
  title = {{Regularity Methods in Fuzzy Number Theory}},
  journal = {{A}rchives of the {M}oldovan {M}athematical {S}ociety},
  month = {aug},
  year = {1995},
  volume = {0},
  pages = {78--93},

  title = {{Monitor voedselverspilling: update 2009-2012}},
  abstract = {... About (Dutch), In opdracht van het ministerie van Economische Zaken ({MinEZ}) is in 2011-2012 door Wageningen {UR} Food \& Biobased Research een monitor ontworpen, met het doel een betrouwbaar beeld te geven van de hoeveelheid voedselverspilling in Nederland . ...},
  publisher = {Wageningen {UR} Food \& Biobased Research},
  author = {Soethoudt, Johannes Maria and Bos-Brouwers, Hilke Elke Jacke and van Economische Zaken, Ministerie},
  date = {2014},
  note = {bibtex: soethoudt\_monitor\_2014},
  keywords = {Bibliographies/Master's, Thesis/Voedingscentrum},

  title = {{Beleidsbrief Duurzame Voedselproductie}},
  institution = {Ministerie van Economische Zaken},
  author = {{Ministerie van Economische Zaken}},
  date = {2013},
  note = {bibtex: Ministerie\_van\_Economische\_Zaken2013-hx},
  keywords = {Bibliographies/Master's, Thesis/Voedingscentrum},

  title = {{Voedselverspilling door consumenten Factsheet}},
  author = {{Voedingscentrum}},
  date = {2014-12},
  file = {vc_sheet_voedselverspilling_en.pdf:/home/orschiro/.zotero/zotero/lt3omfsb.default/zotero/storage/7T4NTE95/vc_sheet_voedselverspilling_en.pdf:application/pdf;voedingscentrum-factsheet.pdf:/home/orschiro/.zotero/zotero/lt3omfsb.default/zotero/storage/FGVA2P8E/voedingscentrum-factsheet.pdf:application/pdf},

  title = {{Bepaling voedselverliezen in huishoudelijk afval in Nederland; vervolgmeting 2013}},
  url = {http://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten-en-publicaties/rapporten/2014/01/13/bepaling-voedselverliezen-in-huishoudelijk-afval-in-nederland-vervolgmeting-2013.html},
  author = {van Westerhoven, Marcel},
  date = {2013},
  keywords = {Bibliographies/Master's Thesis, Bibliographies/Master's Thesis/Voedingscentrum, Food waste},
  file = {van Westerhoven - 2013 - Bepaling voedselverliezen in huishoudelijk afval i.pdf:/home/orschiro/.zotero/zotero/lt3omfsb.default/zotero/storage/3F8TWFAU/van Westerhoven - 2013 - Bepaling voedselverliezen in huishoudelijk afval i.pdf:application/pdf},

  title = {{Reducing food loss and waste}},
  journaltitle = {World Resources Institute Working Paper, June},
  author = {Lipinski, Brian and Hanson, Craig and Lomax, James and Kitinoja, Lisa and Waite, Richard and Searchinger, Tim},
  date = {2013},
  note = {bibtex: Lipinski2013-gm},
  keywords = {Bibliographies/Master's Thesis/Voedingscentrum, global food waste protocol, {WRI}},

  title = {{Brondocument {Voedselverspilling}, versie 4.12}},
  timestamp = {2015-09-26T14:28:03Z},
  institution = {Milieu {Centraal}},
  author = {{Milieu Centraal}},
  date = {2012},
  keywords = {Bibliographies/Master's Thesis,Bibliographies/Master's Thesis/Voedingscentrum,Food waste},

  title = {{Monitor voedselverspilling: update Monitor voedselverspilling 2009-2013 \& mogelijkheden tot (zelf) monitoring van voedselverspilling door de keten heen}},
  url = {http://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/486902},
  shorttitle = {Monitor voedselverspilling},
  number = {1541},
  publisher = {Wageningen {UR} Food \& Biobased Research},
  author = {Bos-Brouwers, Hilke Elke Jacke and Soethoudt, Johannes Maria and Vollebregt, H. M. and van der Burgh, Marianne},
  urldate = {2015-10-20},
  date = {2015},
  file = {derde-monitor-voedselverspilling.pdf:/home/orschiro/.zotero/zotero/lt3omfsb.default/zotero/storage/72ZT3257/derde-monitor-voedselverspilling.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/orschiro/.zotero/zotero/lt3omfsb.default/zotero/storage/6TR6IVPW/486902.html:text/html},

  doi = {10.1016/j.resconrec.2013.04.011},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2013.04.011},
  year = {2013},
  month = {oct},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
  volume = {79},
  pages = {43--51},
  author = {T.E. Quested and E. Marsh and D. Stunell and A.D. Parry},
  title = {{Spaghetti soup: The complex world of food waste behaviours}},
  journal = {Resources Conservation and Recycling},