Product bundles

Aside occasional food donations, "the import of disruptive food products" can also occur on a regular basis through bundled product packages, such as the "Groentetas" (English: vegetable box). Fresh, local products are delivered on a weekly or monthly basis but can carry unfamiliar products.

16:09:  Het komt regelmatig in de groentetas mee maar verder dan snert/bruine bonensoep of andere dikke groentesoepen kom ik niet
tr:     It's regularly provided in the vegetable box but I cannot find any other ways of using it than making a vegetable soup

15:05:  Nog niet in de kast, maar... in de groentetas van komende week zitten sango kiemen.
tr:     Not in the shelf yet... but in the vegetable box of next week are sango kiemen

Concept: Product bundles