

As the foundation of our methodolical approach towards designing an effective transition agenda, we use the transition management cycle (TMC) developed by \citet{LOORBACH_2010} and \citet{Rotmans_2009}. We begin by designing the transition arena1, using the multi-level perspective (MLP) approach \cite[see]{Geels_2002,Geels_2007} to define relevant niche actors, current regime players and important landscape developments. In a second step, we design an agenda and envision the theoritical potentials of circular waste management in Utrecht based on a study by \citet{TNO_2014} on the potentials of a circular economy in the Netherlands. In a third step we operationalise our agenda and introduce an exeperimental setup with a selection of SMEs in the province of Utrecht. The selection is based on a questionnaire that we sent to 150 SMEs in the province of Utrecht (see the appendix). The questionnaire included two questions about the five largest input and waste streams of these companies. The responses had been used to specify X and Y as the waste streams under consideration for the experiment. Lastly, we propose a monitoring scheme for reflexive evaluation of what has already been done regarding circular waste management and how to measure the effects and outcomes of our experiment. We use all these insights gained from the TCM to propose a selection of transition paths that mark steps to be undertaken towards a desirable use of circular waste management.

  1. Define the term