Theoretical review circular economy


For the scope of this cross-sectoral study, we follow the approach on the circular economy as taken in a study by \citet{TNO_2014} on the potentials of the circular economy in the Netherlands. Thereby the main quest of a circular economy is the reusability and recycling of final products and the minimisation of value destruction.

The concept of circular economy aims into turning the old waste sector into a resource industry. The benefits of such a transition from linear economy to the circular one are numerous. Nevertheless, the realization of this transition is a complicated issue requiring a number of actions to be taken from several actors in order to overcome the associated obstacles. A list of actions towards a circular economy is given below:

  1. Establish a clear and consistent strategy.

  2. Create a coherent educational and research system.

  3. Investigate the benefits and drawbacks of the existed legislation and reshape it in the direction of the new and desirable regime.

  4. Provide with benefits the frontrunners of the new concept (e.g. subsides).

  5. Create a promotion program and inform the publicextensively.

  6. Investigate the cooperation possibilities with international actors.