Asteroid Discovery


ZTF’s repeated imaging will capture many solar system bodies, particular main-belt asteroids and streaking Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs). These can be identified by their movement from image to image. If identified as moving objects, ZTF-observed asteroids may be reported to the Minor Planet Center for cataloging and derivation of orbital elements. ZTF photometry may be used to derive rotation periods of main-belt asteroids \cite{2015AJ....150...75W} \cite{2015ApJS..219...27C} and search for main-belt comets \cite{2013MNRAS.433.3115W}. NEAs may pose a hazard to humans if they are large and undetected. Similarly, low delta-v NEAs have value as potential mission-accessible targets for human or robotic exploration.

While ZTF’s chosen cadence and exposure time will influence its efficiency at detecting solar system bodies, the primary requirements imposed by these science goals are on the Data System.

SRD Requirement 1.1 The ZTF Data Processing System shall include a Moving Object Processing System (MOPS) that detects non-streaking solar system bodies and reports them to the Minor Planet Center.

SRD Requirement 1.1 The ZTF Data Processing System shall include software for detecting streaking Near Earth Asteroids and reporting them to the Minor Planet Center.