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Electron Energization by Turbulent Electric Fields: A Possible Source of the Outer Radiation Belt
  • Maria E. Usanova,
  • Robert E. Ergun
Maria E. Usanova
University of Colorado Boulder

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Robert E. Ergun
University of Colorado Boulder
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The turbulent energy cascade that is characteristic of bursty bulk flow (BBF) braking regions in the Earth’s magnetotail has been shown to be the energy source for large-amplitude electric fields (>50 mV/m) which can, in turn, result in local energetic electron acceleration. These pre-energized electrons move inward to stronger magnetic fields being adiabatically energized and can eventually supply an energetic tail to electron distributions in the outer radiation belt. Using wave and plasma measurements from the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) satellites during four tail seasons from 2015 to 2019, we study the process of BBF magnetic and kinetic energy being transferred to electrons by turbulent electric fields from a statistical perspective. We identify turbulent BBF regions by the presence of high-amplitude electric fields. We show that the high-amplitude electric fields are associated with an increase in electron temperature by three times compared to quiet times and with a ten-fold increase in temperature fluctuations. They are also associated with strong variations of energetic electron fluxes, indicative of local acceleration. We further discuss the implications of these findings and the role of this pre-energized electron population in supplying the outer radiation belt.