
Dennis Falzon and Matteo Zignol contributed to the methods used to estimate MDR-TB incidence and mortality and reviewed estimates. Ibrahim Abubakar, Sandra Alba, Elisabeth Allen, Martien Borgdorff, Jaap Broekmans, Ken Castro, Frank Cobelens, Ted Cohen, Charlotte Colvin, Sarah Cook-Scalise, Liz Corbett, Simon Cousens, Pete Dodd, Katherine Fielding, Peter Godfrey-Faussett, Rein Houben, Li Liu, Mary Mahy, Valérie Schwoebel, Cherise Scott, James Seddon, Andrew Thomson, Edine Tiemersma, Theo Vos, Emilia Vynnycky and Richard White reviewed all methods to derive TB incidence, prevalence and mortality with disaggregation by age and sex and provided specific recommendations to improve them.