Background and Methods

A national case-based internet-based TB notification system is a key element of Korea’s TB control programme, linked to the initiation of response measures including outbreak investigations, evaluation of contacts and TB case management. The online TB reporting system was established in 2000 \cite{17131783}.

All TB patients who are treated in public health centers are notified to the Korea National TB Surveillance System (KNTSS). In 2006, a national survey found that only 67.6% of patients diagnosed and treated in the private sector were notified, despite a legal framework making notification of TB cases mandatory. Since 2008, the coverage of routine TB surveillance has been systematically assessed using record-linkage of medical records from the National Health Insurance (NHI) and records from the KNTSS database\cite{23101024}. National identification numbers are used for record-linkage.


Under-reporting of TB case notifications over 2012-2013 are presented in the table below. Under-reporting was defined as failing to report within 6 months.