Typical values for nearby stars

The nearest stars (within 3 pc) have masses ranging from \(\approx 0.01\)\(2 M_\odot\) \citep[e.g.][]{Luhman_2014}, and proper motions of order 1000 mas/yr. This leads to typical Einstein ring radii of 40 mas, and typical crossing times of \(\sim\) 2 weeks. For Luhman’s Dwarf specifically, we have M \(\gtrsim 3 M_{\rm Jup}\) and \(D_L = 2.5\) pc, so the diameter of the ring is

\[d = 2\theta_E = 1.2 {\rm mas} \sqrt{M/M_{\rm Jup}} \gtrsim 7 {\rm mas}\]