Refiloe edited subsection_Faint_Images_of_the__.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: d1d8ccea8c52cd91dc903ea0b4adedfd63f7174c

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$\sigma = \frac{2k_{B} T_{sys}}{A_{e} \times ( {(\Deltaν_{RF} \times \tau)}^{\frac{1}{2}}) }$   where T_sys $T_{sys}$ is  the temperature of the interferometer system, Δν_RF $\Deltaν_{RF}$  is the receiver radio-frequency bandwidth, τ $\tau$  is the duration of the signal received from the interferometers. The collecting area of circular parabolic radio telescopes is reduced to an effective area because the receiver is on the reflector axis, and together with its supporting legs, the receiver partially blocks the path of radiation falling onto the reflector. One consequence of this blockage is that the effective collecting area is reduced because some of the incoming radiation is blocked.