Refiloe added missing citations to bibliography  over 8 years ago

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title = {{{ACTIVE} {GALACTIC} {NUCLEUS} {PAIRS} {FROM} {THE} {SLOAN} {DIGITAL} {SKY} {SURVEY}. {II}. {EVIDENCE} {FOR} {TIDALLY} {ENHANCED} {STAR} {FORMATION} {AND} {BLACK} {HOLE} {ACCRETION}}},  journal = {{ApJ}},  }  @article{Fanaroff_1974,  doi = {10.1093/mnras/167.1.31p},  url = {},  year = {1974},  month = {apr},  publisher = {Oxford University Press ({OUP})},  volume = {167},  number = {1},  pages = {31P--36P},  author = {B. L. Fanaroff and J. M. Riley},  title = {{The Morphology of Extragalactic Radio Sources of High and Low Luminosity}},  journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society},  }